God first put their ancestors into bondage in Egypt, and once that period had run its course [some 430 years later], God took them out of Egypt under His mighty hand.
Please note in here that, yes, the “Beasts” always get what’s coming to them. They always do. The problem, then, isn’t justice, but rather why God raises them up, at all, in the first place. Think about it, are we here in America right back into the same problem? If we weren’t our own worst enemy, if there weren’t, in all reality, three fingers pointing right back at us, then there wouldn’t be a “Beast” for us to have to deal with today in the first place.
Further study will find that each “Beast” throughout Scriptural history has been commissioned by God, to devour and to destroy the rebellious. We see this plainly in Jer. 5, here The LORD is telling those in the Southern Kingdom that their day of Bondage is about to arrive, and it will follow the horrific events of devouring and destroying. Thus, flipped around to the Beast’s point of view, what a Beast needs for perpetual survival is a perpetual condition of rebellion against God – then and only then does a “Beast” remain in control.
Key at this juncture is to understand that those who are being rendered subject to this “Beast” have already been indicted, tried, and found Guilty of being in rebellion. Why are we being thrown under the ‘One World’s’ Socialist bus? For all the very same reasons that the Southern Kingdom was thrown under the bus, which are the very same reasons why God threw the Northern Kingdom under the bus, as well.
The greatest sin a nation can commit is turning to other gods. And just as prophesied would happen, we in America turn to “government” (The Image of the Beast) which is depicted as “the Image” shown to Daniel. For our sustenance and protection we have turned away from God. As a nation, we don’t look to The LORD God to provide for us – but rather to “government.”
(Homage to the Image/government !)
The “Beast” has gone to considerable trouble to produce that exact line of thought, word, and practice, and there is a reason for this. America’s “Beast Government” expects to outsmart God. What this may mean is that the “Beast” isn’t quite self-aware, yet. Some expect those within the Beast, and their government lackeys, know full good and well that their wealth has been provided by the Plan of God so they will accomplish their purpose(s), but that is probably giving them more credit than is due – – yet.
If the “Beast” truly were self-aware, it would make sense if they stopped writhing, because in their awareness they would already know that all their centuries of planning is coming to naught. But since we’re seeing all of the exertion on their part, it means this “Beast” may have reached its most dangerous “state of mind”- clinical insanity – hence the pathological, psychopathic intent to commit worldwide genocide [enter drugs, starvation, abortion, pandemics, etc.].
Part of what this “Beast” and its minions planned for was a world-wide system which they would control. What they clearly don’t understand is that such form of global, “perpetual Judgment” is something which The LORD God never intended.
To review the past four points we have this: (1) We are being lied to about everything. Pick a topic. (2) We’re being lied to, because that’s how “Beast” systems operate. (3) Thus, we’re dealing with a “Beast” system. (4) America as a nation has apparently been Indicted, Tried, and Convicted of being rebellious against God.