Who Is Appointed By FATHER?

FATHER appointed and commissioned us in our calling, not man.  Paul is a perfect example.

 Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Galatians chapter 1:

1   Dear friends, My name is Paul and I have been commissioned as an apostle of the Lord Jesus, the Messiah. My apostleship was not granted to me by any council of men, for I was appointed by Jesus, the Anointed One, and God the Father, Who raised Him from the dead.

Paul was the twelfth apostle appointed by Jesus Christ Himself.

2  I am joined by all the brothers and sisters who are here with me as I write you this letter, which is to be distributed to the churches throughout the region of central Turkey.

His brothers and sisters affirmed his calling by the fruit he was producing.  Paul was bold in his teaching and did not hold back.  This is clearly an indication of his willingness to confront error by those who were attempting to return back to the Old Covenant.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Galatians chapter 4:

16   Have I really become your enemy because I tell you the Truth?

17 Can’t you see what these false teachers are doing? They want to win you over so you will side with them. They want you divided from me so you will follow only them. Would you call that integrity?

18 Isn’t it better to seek excellence and integrity always, and not just only when I’m with you?

It is Love to tell a person the Truth even though they may be bothered by it.

If you are reluctant to tell a person the Truth, it is because you love yourself too much and are afraid of rejection.  Jesus was not afraid of telling the Truth and neither was Paul.

Jesus spoke in John chapter 8:

32  For if you embrace the Truth, it will release more freedom into your lives.”  TPT

Or expressed:

32  And you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.”  NKJV

Love does not want people to be enslaved by lies or error.

Peter wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1st Peter chapter 4:

11  For example, if you have a speaking gift, speak as though God were speaking his words through you. If you have the gift of serving, do it passionately with the strength God gives you, so that in everything God alone will be glorified through Jesus Christ. For To Him belong the power and the glory forever throughout all ages! Amen.

When I write these blogs, it is my intent to glorify Jesus in every Word given to you.  I am not interested in the accolades of men or being exalted in any way.  I am an instrument called by Our Heavenly Father to instruct as The Holy Spirit provides the topics and content.  Servias Ministries exists only because FATHER instructed me to set it up.  When I asked HIM who was going to fund the initial fees, HE said “You are!”  Where is my credibility found?  By listening to The Holy Spirit and responding accordingly.  This is also the summation of Paul’s credentials.

Paul continued by The Holy Spirit in Galatians chapter 1:

3-4 I pray over you a release of the blessings of God’s undeserved kindness and total well-being that flows from our Father- God and from the Lord Jesus. He’s the Anointed Messiah Who offered Himself as the Sacrifice for our sins! He has taken us out of this evil world system and set us free through our salvation, just as God desired.

5 All the glory will go to God alone, throughout time and eternity. Amen!

Speaking the Truth is not popular today.  People don’t want to admit they are wrong in their mindset.  However, if they are fruitless in their pursuits, they need to hear the Truth that will make them free of their current path.  Do you let the blind fall into the ditch?  I have no interest in winning a popularity contest with the world.  It is clear by Jesus’ Words and Paul’s writings that They weren’t either.  Paul had a “corrective interview” with the Galatians beginning in verse 6:

6  I am shocked over how quickly you have strayed away from the Anointed One who called you to Himself by His Loving mercy. I’m frankly astounded that you now embrace a distorted gospel!

7 That is a fake “gospel” that is simply not true. There is only one Gospel—the gospel of the Messiah! Yet you have allowed those who mingle law with grace to confuse you with lies.

8 Anyone who comes to you with a different message than the grace Gospel that you have received will have the curse of God come upon them! For even if we or an angel appeared before you, to give you a different gospel than what we have already proclaimed, God’s curse will be upon them.

9 I will make it clear: Anyone, no matter who they are, that brings you a different gospel than the Grace Gospel that you have received, let them be condemned and cursed!

10 I’m obviously not trying to flatter you or water down my message to be popular with men, but my supreme passion is to please God. For if all I attempt to do is please people, I would not be the true servant of the Messiah.

Paul did not mince words and neither should we!

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