The following are revised instructions for those who wish to give by credit card. Additionally, you can set up a recurring monthly donation if you so desire. Never feel compelled to give as we encourage cheerful giving only. After all, it’s all about Love! web site donation instructions
From the web site, click on the “Donate” menu option, or the “Donate to
support Servias Ministries” button.
From the Donate to Servias Ministries page:
* Note: all form fields are required.
1. You can select either a one time donation, or a recurring monthly donation.
Donation insrtructions – continued
2. If you select the option to make a recurring Monthly Auto Donation, there will be a field displayed at the end of the form for you to select the date you would like the donation to start, and that will be the donation date each month.
3. When you click the “Submit” button, your donation will be processed by the credit card processing company, and you will receive a receipt email from them for the donation transaction.
4. You will also receive an email from Unity153 ( with your username and password to log into the new Unity153 member portal.
Thank you very much for your consideration and support.