Throughout history, the Remnant of each generation has held back the antichrist. However, at some point, FATHER’S judgment arrives. It happened in Noah’s generation, and the world was destroyed by water. This time, it will be destroyed by Holy Fire.
Peter wrote by The Holy Spirit in 2nd Peter chapter 3:
1 Beloved friends, this is now the second letter I have written to you in which I’ve attempted to stir you up and awaken you to a proper mindset.
2 So never forget both the prophecies spoken by the holy prophets of old and the teaching of our Lord and Savior spoken by your apostles.
You and I need to stay stirred up with the proper mindset for the current society reflects what is spoken of in this chapter:
3 Above all, you must understand that in the last days mockers will multiply, chasing after their evil desires.
4 They will say, “So what about this promise of his coming? Our ancestors are dead and buried, yet everything is still the same as it was since from the beginning of time until now.”
5 But they conveniently overlook that from the beginning, the heavens and earth were created by God’s word. He spoke and the dry ground separated from the waters.
6 Then long afterward He destroyed the world with a tremendous flood by those very waters.
7 And now, by the same powerful Word, the heavens and the earth are reserved for fire, being kept for judgment day, when all the ungodly will perish.
I am not predicting the day or the hour but I am seeing signs of this coming. You and I were selected by FATHER for such a time as this so let us come into full maturity as Sons of GOD and spread the Good News as quickly and effectively as possible.
8 So, dear friends, don’t let this one thing escape your notice: a single day counts like a thousand years to the Lord Yahweh, and a thousand years counts as one day. 9 This means that, contrary to man’s perspective, the Lord is not late with His promise to return, as some measure lateness. But rather, his “delay” simply reveals His loving patience toward you, because he does not want any to perish but all to come to repentance.
FATHER’S Loving patience has held back the Holy Fire to this point. We must not assume anything but remain fervent as we fulfill our individual callings.
10 The day of the Lord will come and take everyone by surprise— as unexpected as a home invasion. The atmosphere will be set on fire and vanish with a horrific roar, and the heavenly bodies will melt away as in a tremendous blaze. The earth and every activity of man will be laid bare.
11 Since all these things are on the verge of being dismantled, don’t you see how vital it is to live a Holy life? We must be consumed with Godliness 12 while we anticipate and help to speed up the coming of the day of God, when the atmosphere will be set on fire and the heavenly bodies consumed in a blaze.
Peter is teaching us that the church has the ability to speed up (and, by implication, slow down) the coming of the day of God. The closer we get to Christ, the closer will be his coming. “The day of God” is an equivalent phrase to the “day of the Lord.”
13 But as we wait, we trust in God’s royal proclamation to be fulfilled. There are coming heavens new in quality, and an earth new in quality, where righteousness will be fully at home.
If the Holy Fire were to consume me today, how much of what I have would be burned up as wood, hay, stubble, dross, etc.? How about you?
What are your priorities today and do they align with that of Our Lord Jesus Christ?
It is time to rid ourselves of the “clutter” and light a match to it! Do any of us really need our “stuff” anymore? How many closets full of clothes could be given to those in need? How much is being spent on entertainment while the poor go hungry? The answers to those questions are above my pay grade but The Holy Spirit will guide each of us in removing anything that can be and should be burned up by Holy Fire.
The Holy Fire is coming. Will you be ready?