The Mature Relationship

We really need to fully accept FATHER’S Word as being totally true, accurate, and empowering… then walk in It.  However, it is all about relationship.  HIS Covenant with us is intended to be based on our relationship with HIM as Our Heavenly Father.

Those who truly Love THE LORD are givers but those who try to work the system are takers and don’t have a mature, intimate relationship with FATHER.  HE knows the difference.

Jesus spoke in Matthew chapter 7:

7“Ask, and the gift is yours. Seek, and you’ll discover. Knock, and the door will be opened for you. 8 For every persistent one will get what he asks for. Every persistent seeker will discover what he longs for. And everyone who knocks persistently will one day find an open door.

Christians like to focus on the above passage without reading the next verses.  Their immaturity is exposed when they simply want more for themselves without regard to the needs of others.  As Kenneth Hagin used to say, “Me and my four and no more.”  However, Jesus continued:

9“Do you know of any parent who would give his hungry child, who asked for food, a plate of rocks instead? 10 Or when asked for a piece of fish, what parent would offer his child a snake instead? 11 If you, imperfect as you are,  know how to lovingly take care of your children and give them what’s best, how much more ready is your heavenly Father to give wonderful gifts to those who ask him?”

Jesus now explains FATHER’S relationship as being better than your earthly father and would not give you anything that would hurt you.  HE Loves us unconditionally and only wants the best for us no matter what our state of immaturity.  I look back at my own life and see how I was oriented toward selfishness when I was immature.  FATHER in HIS great grace and mercy was longsuffering with my immaturity thus I have a great appreciation for HIS Agape Love.

We have a covenant with Our Creator but it is reserved for those who truly Love HIM and obey HIM.  Why?  If you consume the benefits on your flesh and soul, you will surely die and HE does not promote death or destruction in any form.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in 1st Corinthians chapter 2:

6 However, there is a wisdom that we continually speak of when we are among the spiritually mature.  It’s wisdom that didn’t originate in this present age, nor did it come from the rulers of this age who are in the process of being dethroned.  7 Instead, we continually speak of this wonderful wisdom that comes from God, hidden before now in a mystery.  It is His secret plan, destined before the ages, to bring us into glory.  8 None of the rulers of this present world order understood it, for if they had, they never would have crucified the Lord of shining glory.  9 This is why the Scriptures say:

Things never discovered or heard of before,

things beyond our ability to imagine —

these are the many things God has in store

for all His Lovers.

10 But God now unveils these profound realities to us by the Spirit.  Yes, He has revealed to us his inmost heart and deepest mysteries through the Holy Spirit, Who constantly explores all things. 11After all, who can really see into a person’s heart and know his hidden impulses except for that person’s spirit? So it is with God. His thoughts and secrets are only fully understood by His Spirit, the Spirit of God.

The spiritually mature will be able to consistently walk in the Covenant established by Our Heavenly Father.  These writings are to assist you in becoming mature so that FATHER will see you as one of HIS Lovers whom HE can trust.

Would you hand over your check book to a child?  Would you give a child the keys to your car?  The Keys to The Kingdom are reserved for those who know how to handle such responsibility… without question!

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