Under Authority: Part 2

When you are under authority and fully submit to that authority, you will be given a greater ministry to others.  Why? It is because you are now trustworthy.  And if you are fully trustworthy, you will walk in greater revelation.

The following passage has the key to a mystery for those who seek to walk in a greater anointing.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans chapter 8:

10   Now Christ lives his life in you! And even though your body may be dead because of the effects of sin, His life-giving Spirit imparts life to you because you are fully accepted by God.

11   Yes, God raised Jesus to life! And since God’s Spirit of Resurrection lives in you, He will also raise your dying body to life by the same Spirit that breathes life into you!

12   So then, beloved ones, the flesh has no claims on us at all, and we have no further obligation to live in obedience to it.

13   For when you live controlled by the flesh, you are about to die. But if the life of the Spirit puts to death the corrupt ways of the flesh, we then taste His abundant life.

Why do you think The Holy Spirit keeps having me write concerning finances?  Jesus gave us a key to walking under the full authority as well as being worthy of trust in The Kingdom:

In Matthew chapter 19, Jesus spoke:

16   Then a teenager approached Jesus and bowed before Him, saying, “Wonderful teacher—is there a good work I have to do to obtain Eternal life?” 17 Jesus answered, “Why would you call Me wonderful? God alone is wonderful. And why would you ask what good work you need to do? Keep the commandments and you’ll enter into the life of God.”  18 “Which ones?” he asked. Jesus said, “Don’t murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie, 19 honor your father and mother, and Love those around you as you Love yourself.” 20 “But I’ve always obeyed every one of them without fail,” the young man replied. “What else do I lack?” 21 Jesus said to him, “If you really want to be perfect, go immediately and sell everything you own. Give all your money to the poor and your treasure will be transferred into Heaven. Then come back and follow Me for the rest of your life.” 22 When the young man heard these Words, he walked away angry, for he was extremely wealthy. 23 Then Jesus turned to his disciples and said, “Listen. Do you understand how difficult it is for the rich to enter into Heaven’s Kingdom realm? 24 In fact, it’s easier to stuff a heavy rope through the eye of a needle than it is for the wealthy to enter into God’s Kingdom realm!”

Is this a formula?  No.  Each of us needs to hear what The Holy Spirit is saying to us individually, then respond in obedience.  Did the rich young man really Love others as he claimed?  Did he ever help the poor?  Did he challenge the authority of Jesus in his response?

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