Exposing …

The Truth will make you free.  Those who owe no man anything but Love sleep better than 99.999% of the population.

Interesting video:

A certain man I know recommends you pay close attention to all of the details they discuss.

Fiat currency is subject to man’s manipulation.  An ounce of silver in your hand has no manipulation attached to it. 

Is this why Russia and China are aggressively buying gold at this point? 

What is WWE? 

Do you think hackers on either side cannot hack the banks and their related bank accounts? 

Do you think the Internet is totally protected from those who wish to take it down?

A certain man said, “Every developer has a bias when programming and that bias can be exploited by someone else.”

My comment:

The solutions to all the issues at hand are found in the Spiritual Realm! Those who are led by The Holy Spirit will prevail.

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