Don’t Be Seduced

Open your eyes and look around you.  Men are threatened by what they don’t comprehend so they attack the Truth through deception and manipulation.  This is what is happening now around the world.

Jesus spoke a parable in Mark chapter 4:

10 Afterward, Jesus’ disciples and those close to Him remained behind to ask Jesus about His parables. 11 He said to them, “The privilege of intimately knowing the mystery of God’s kingdom realm has been granted to you, but not to the others, where everything is revealed in parables.

12 “For even when they see what I do, they will not understand, and when they hear what I say, they will learn nothing, otherwise they would repent and be forgiven.”

13 Then he said to them, “If you don’t understand this parable, how will you understand any parable? 14 Let Me explain: The farmer sows the message of the Kingdom. 15 What falls on the beaten path represents those who hear the message, but immediately satan appears and snatches it from their hearts. 16 And what is sown on gravel represents those who hear the message and receive it joyfully, 17 but because their hearts fail to sink a deep root, they don’t endure for long. For when trouble or persecution comes on account of the message, they immediately wilt and fall away. 18 And what is sown among thorns represents those who hear the message, 19 but they allow the cares of this life and the seduction of wealth and the desires for other things to crowd out and choke the message so that it produces nothing.

20 “But what is sown on good soil represents those who open their hearts to receive the message and their lives bear good fruit—some yield a harvest of thirty, sixty, even a hundredfold!”

It is time to ramp up our focus like no other time.  Those who are currently controlling the economic system are doing so under the direction of the adversary.  He uses the love of money to divert the focus away from those who hear The Word but choose to be seduced by wealth.  This includes those who are called to the five-fold ministry but have been seduced by wealth thus promoting money-changing in the Temple.  The spirit of deception is very shrewd and subtle.  This spirit will crowd out the Divine Intent of The Word if you listen to it.  This is why we must approach The Word with pure hearts and the willingness to change based on the cleansing of The Word.  Our minds must be renewed in order to defend against the seduction of the enemy.

Jesus spoke another parable in Mark chapter 4:

21 He also gave them this parable: “No one lights a lamp only to place it under a basket or under the bed. It is meant to be placed on a lampstand. 22 For there is nothing that is hidden that won’t be disclosed, and there is no secret that won’t be brought out into the light! 23 If you understand what I’m saying, you need to respond!”

24 Then He said to them, “Be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear, for as you do, more understanding will be given to you. And according to your longing to understand, much more will be added to you. 25 For those who listen with open hearts will receive more revelation. But those who don’t listen with open hearts will lose what little they think they have!”

The word diligent means steadily applied with care and constant effort; careful.  Why do you think The Holy Spirit has me write virtually every day?  Why does He have me pray every morning in Tongues?  I must be diligent if I am to expect to gain greater understanding of the Truths of the Kingdom.  This applies to you as well.  Do I want to be classified as one of the unwise virgins?  Absolutely not!!!  I trust that you don’t either.  We are in a window of time that is crucial for us to rise up and ramp up our intensity as it relates to receiving the needed understanding of The Kingdom like never before.

The adversary wants to put the entire population into full submission by this concerted effort to force all to receive the jab.  This is in direct conflict with trusting in the healing power of Jesus Christ.  The population’s focus is being diverted away from this Truth.  Open your eyes and look at the big picture.  Jesus didn’t shy away from those who had leprosy, a highly contagious and chronic disease.  Instead, He healed them and restored them back to normal.  Shouldn’t we expect the same in our ministry to others?

Don’t be seduced by the constant onslaught by the media, family, and friends who would try to force you to be compliant to the wishes of the nefarious ones.  If you have received the jab, don’t worry for FATHER can and will remove its effects from your body.  This is what grace and mercy is all about.  Also, don’t be argumentative with those who are blinded.  Pray that FATHER will open their eyes to see.  Until HE ministers to their heart, they are subject to seduction by the adversary and his minions.  They are counting on the blindness to continue.  This is why we must be a light unto the world and expose the Truth in the midst of darkness!

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