Jubilee: Part 3

Don’t allow opportunity to pass you by.  Heaven is open and awaits your response and resulting action.  Jubilee will come your way.

Your level of maturity determines what opportunities from Heaven will present themselves to you.  FATHER will not provide you anything which leads you to sin.  Instead, HE provides righteous opportunities to those who will take corresponding action and further the Kingdom of GOD.   In some cases, mature Sons and Daughters are called to create and develop Kingdom Companies.  Those companies serve people rather than exploit them for self-centered gain. 

How can the Kingdom of GOD expand if a company hoards profits and removes wealth from use for further expansion?  In the strictest sense, minimum wage is not a blessing but instead it is an enslavement to keep the employee broke.

We need our mindsets changed from behavior to that of ownership.  Behavior responds to situations whereas ownership initiates righteous situations.  Each of us should be tapping into the creativity reserved in Heaven meant for our individual callings.  FATHER isn’t lacking in this department.  It matters not what country you live in for FATHER placed you there for HIS purpose.  As the Sons and Daughters come into full Spiritual maturity, FATHER will release those opportunities to change each nation for HIS Glory.

It is written by The Holy Spirit in Psalm chapter 2:

FATHER Speaks:

2 How dare the nations plan a rebellion.

    Their foolish plots are futile!

2 Look at how the power brokers of the world

    rise up to hold their summit

    as the rulers scheme and confer together

    against Yahweh and his Anointed King, saying:

3 “Let’s come together and break away from the Creator.

    Once and for all let’s cast off these controlling chains

    of God and his Christ!”

4 God-Enthroned merely laughs at them;

    the Sovereign One mocks their madness!

5 Then with the fierceness of HIS fiery anger,

    HE settles the issue and terrifies them to death with these Words:

6 “I Myself have poured out My King on Zion, My Holy mountain.”

The Son Speaks:

7 “I will reveal the Eternal Purpose of God.

    For HE has decreed over Me, ‘You are my favored Son.

    And as Your Father I have crowned you as my King Eternal.

    Today I became your Father.

8 Ask Me to give you the nations (“Ask wealth of me”) and I will do it,

    and they shall become Your legacy.

    Your domain will stretch to the ends of the earth.

9 And You will shepherd them with unlimited authority,

    crushing their rebellion as an iron rod smashes jars of clay!’ ”

The Holy Spirit Speaks:

10 “Listen to Me, all you rebel kings

    and all you upstart judges of the earth.

    Learn your lesson while there’s still time.

11 Serve and worship the awe-inspiring God.

    Recognize HIS greatness and bow before HIM,

    trembling with reverence in HIS presence.

12 Fall facedown before HIM and kiss the Son

    before HIS anger is roused against you.

    Remember that HIS wrath can be quickly kindled!

    But many blessings are waiting for all

    who turn aside to hide themselves IN HIM!”

Do not be discouraged concerning the state of the country you reside in.  FATHER is very aware of what the unrighteous governments are doing and HE will judge those who have perpetuated the chaos and lack occurring in those countries.  The United States is not above HIS judgments.

Gold and silver have always been attached to righteous mediums of exchange for commercial transactions.  Once a country departs from this standard, the rich get richer and the poor become destitute by the fiat currency installed by the unrighteous politicians.  The god of this world moved upon them to become self-serving by enriching them with promised, future nefarious relationships and transactions.

Should sitting judges be paid by various countries to speak and receive hundreds of thousands of dollars for just one hour?  Do you think those judges will decide future cases hurting those countries’ best interest?

Have you noticed how former politicians and their families become much wealthier after they leave office?  Should large banks be able to pay huge sums of money for speeches by those former politicians?  Ex-presidents sign book deals which add to their wealth.  Sitting Judges have traveled to other countries and given short speeches for large sums of money thus enhancing their wealth.  Federal Reserve officials have recently been caught lawlessly trading stocks using insider information for their own personal benefit.  You and I would be put in jail if we were to trade stocks with insider information.

Do you think FATHER is forgetting these nefarious acts?  Do you think HIS judgment will be non-existent?  Brace and prepare for what is ahead.  Stealing, killing, and destroying all have their roots in one area- the love of money.  In the end, it is always about the money.  This is why FATHER will destroy various fiat currencies which are temporary in nature for they are based only on perception and willingness by the masses to be used.  That perception can literally change in one hour.  If you check history, you will find this recurring theme.  Rome fell due to its move to fiat currency.  Think about it and you will embrace Jubilee!

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