FATHER’S Perfect Will: Part 1

We must relinquish our own will to FATHER if we want to become fully mature Sons and Daughters.  Once we give up our own will, we will walk in FATHER’S perfect Will.

David wrote by The Holy Spirit in Psalm chapter 27:

8 I heard your voice in my heart say, “Come, seek MY Face;”

    my inner being responded,

    “Yahweh, I’m seeking YOUR Face with all my heart.

Did he say ALL?  Yes, he said all his heart.  If you are willing to do the same, then read on.

There are those of us who desire to truly walk out our callings and produce the fruit Jesus is expecting yet I have not seen or heard of anyone who has truly not only fully imitated Jesus’ works on the earth but have done greater works.  Why?  I submit to you that the Remnant has not yet reached full maturity.  Now is the time!

In Mark chapter 16, Jesus spoke:

15 And he said to them, “As you go into all the world, preach openly the wonderful news of the Gospel to the entire human race! 16 Whoever believes the good news and is baptized will be saved, and whoever does not believe the good news will be condemned. 17 And these miracle signs will accompany those who believe: They will drive out demons in the power of My Name. They will speak in tongues. 18 They will be supernaturally protected from snakes and from drinking anything poisonous. And they will lay hands on the sick and heal them.”

And in John chapter 14, Jesus gave us the understanding on how to achieve the results He expresses in the above passage:

12 “I tell you this timeless Truth: The person who follows Me in faith, believing in Me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with My Father! 13 For I will do whatever you ask Me to do when you ask Me in My Name. And that is how the Son will show what the Father is really like and bring glory to HIM. 14 Ask Me anything in My Name, and I will do it for you!”

15 “Loving Me empowers you to obey My commands. 16–17 And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Savior, the Holy Spirit of Truth, who will be to you a friend just like Me—and He will never leave you. The world won’t receive him because they can’t see Him or know Him. But you know Him intimately because He remains with you and will live inside you.

Jesus gives us the key to unlocking the mystery of how we will be able to do greater works in these perilous times- The Holy Spirit.  This Truth is exactly how we unlock the Treasures in Heaven for our use and distribution.  I believe we are now on the final lap of our race and this is where we get our second Wind to finish the race!

Jesus explained what true Treasure is in Matthew chapter 6:

19 “Don’t keep hoarding for yourselves earthly treasures that can be stolen by thieves. Material wealth eventually rusts, decays, and loses its value. 20 Instead, stockpile Heavenly Treasures for yourselves that cannot be stolen and will never rust, decay, or lose their value. 21 For your heart will always pursue what you esteem as your treasure.

22 “The eyes of your spirit allow revelation-light to enter into your being. If your heart is unclouded, the light floods in! 23 But if your eyes are focused on money, the light cannot penetrate and darkness takes its place. How profound will be the darkness within you if the light of Truth cannot enter!

24 “How could you worship two gods at the same time? You will have to hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You can’t worship the true God while enslaved to the god of money!

Why do you think that I write so many blogs concerning money?  The Holy Spirit wants you and me to move onto perfection thus we must get our hearts to an unclouded state so the light will flood in.  In the past, I preferred to simply fund whatever FATHER wants done without opening up to others.  Why?  I know how sensitive the “money” issue is to people.  I have suffered through countless attempts by ‘the ministry” to compel me to give for their use and vision.  They would attempt to make people feel guilty until they gave.  It does not take an hour to receive an offering from cheerful givers.  When The Holy Spirit directed me to give, my wife and I have given what He instructed, not the minister.  I have resisted the “business model” used by ministries to keep the money flowing.

Material wealth eventually rusts, decays, and loses its value.  One reason this happens is because of the world’s system of exchange.  Ultimately, the value of the dollar is expected to approach zero and that is why many earthly financial experts are recommending people buy and possess physical gold and silver.  Let the Holy Spirit guide you in this area.  Ultimately, these metals are only temporary tools by nature and Jesus told us not to trust in ANY earthly treasure.  HE obviously knows something that the earthly experts don’t.

The Remnant must get past the root of all evil in order to be fully enlightened.  I am personally committed to the fullness of The Holy Spirit so that I can fulfill the expectation of Jesus.  The path is very narrow and many will be drawn away by fear, uncertainty, and doubt.  Their faith will wane and they will stay in what Paul calls an “acceptable” Gospel, never achieving full maturity while on earth.

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