What are you afraid of? Perfect Love casts out fear.
The word Jesus used in John chapter 14 for “the Comforter” was para- klētos.
Para comes from the word-forming element of Aramaic meaning “defense, protection against; that which protects from.” Klētos in Aramaic means “the curse”. The comforter defends and protects you from the curse. You have resurrection power dwelling on the inside of you.
Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans chapter 8:
1 So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One. 2 For the “law” of the Spirit of life flowing through the anointing of Jesus has liberated us from the “law” of sin and death. 3 For God achieved what the law was unable to accomplish, because the law was limited by the weakness of human nature.
Do not try to reopen the case against you for that case no longer exists. Trust The Holy Spirit and move on. There is nothing to fear concerning your old man anymore. Passionately Love FATHER, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit and you will reach full maturity as a Son or Daughter. You will begin to see HIS goodness flow through you to others.
The devil depends on you staying ignorant of The Word. The word ignorant means “unaware, uninformed; lacking knowledge or information.” This is why FATHER anoints teachers as part of the fivefold ministry- to eliminate ignorance concerning the revelation contained in The Word. The Word promotes life, health, healing, and restoration. The devil’s intent is to steal, kill, and/or destroy. You can simply inspect the fruit of someone and know who their father is.
The Word is our manual for walking out Life. If we don’t know our manual, how can we minister life to others? This is why I include so much Scripture in these daily writings. The manual is the important source for your future. My responsibility is to point you to the manual and the revelation contained therein. I rely on The Holy Spirit to guide me daily in these writings so that the readers will move toward a higher level of revelation each day. The goal is full maturity! The intended fruit is to expand The Kingdom of God on the earth.
There is no fear when you are perfected in Love. Do you just want to be a believer or do you want to be a fully mature believer perfected in Love? Our level of commitment determines which category we will walk in. Passion for The Word is the difference maker.
FATHER is not in control of a broken world else it would not be broken. HE assigned us to overcome the broken world and establish the authority of the Heavenly Kingdom by taking real estate from the god of this world. Quit blaming GOD for failures, issues, etc. of the past. HE is a Loving FATHER Who only wants the best for each of us. This is why HE sent His Son… to set the captives free! HE has provided us with the tools we need to overcome the world thus ultimately ignorance is no excuse. Lazy and/or casual believers will never become mature Sons and Daughters who can be given full power and authority. Each of us must make our own decision of which path we take. Fear cannot motivate our decision, Love must.