The Deposits Have Been Made: Part 3

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Ephesians chapter 2:

1 And His fullness fills you, even though you were once like corpses, dead in your sins and offenses. 2 It wasn’t that long ago that you lived in the religion, customs, and values of this world, obeying the dark ruler of the earthly realm who fills the atmosphere with his authority, and works diligently in the hearts of those who are disobedient to the Truth of God. 3 The corruption that was in us from birth was expressed through the deeds and desires of our self-life. We lived by whatever natural cravings and thoughts our minds dictated, living as rebellious children subject to God’s wrath like everyone else.

What Paul explains in the above passage, pretty well sums it up in the current environment… but even to a greater degree.  The world is trying its best to eliminate Truth and even make It illegal! (The bill HR5 in the U.S Congress is intended to do this very thing. See ).

4 But God still loved us with such great Love. He is so rich in compassion and mercy. 5 Even when we were dead and doomed in our many sins, He united us into the very life of Christ and saved us by His wonderful grace! 6 He raised us up with Christ the exalted One, and we ascended with Him into the glorious perfection and authority of the heavenly realm, for we are now co-seated as One with Christ!

7 Throughout the coming ages we will be the visible display of the infinite riches of His grace and kindness, which was showered upon us in Jesus Christ. 8 For by grace you have been saved by faith. Nothing you did could ever earn this salvation, for it was the Love gift from God that brought us to Christ! 9 So no one will ever be able to boast, for salvation is never a reward for good works or human striving.

10 We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny He has given each of us (Psalm 139:16), for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it!

FATHER has made the sufficient deposits in us already.  We already have the provisions for the visions residing on the inside of us awaiting activation by us, not HIM!  These Scriptures should excite our faith to a greater level.  As we understand the true revelation of what we have, our appreciation for HIS Love grows on the inside of us to a higher level of fruitfulness.  We look at the lost in a different manner and our compassion toward the lost is no different than that of Jesus.  AS HE IS, SO ARE WE!

We didn’t earn these deposits but FATHER gave us these resources by HIS Love and grace.  It was all in HIS plan when HE wrote our books in Heaven.  These deposits are HIS gifts to us so that we can not only fellowship with HIM but also effectively represent HIM to the world.

Grace is unearned, undeserved, and unearned favor thus you and I did not earn grace.  It is a gift from FATHER before we were formed in the womb.  By HIS grace, HE sent Jesus to redeem us from our fallen state.  Paul expressed this by The Holy Spirit in Romans chapter 5:

8 But Christ proved God’s passionate Love for us by dying in our place while we were still lost and ungodly!

9 And there is still much more to say of his unfailing Love for us! For through the blood of Jesus we have heard the powerful declaration, “You are now righteous in my sight.” And because of the sacrifice of Jesus, you will never experience the wrath of God. 10 So if while we were still enemies, God fully reconciled us to Himself through the death of his Son, then something greater than friendship is ours. Now that we are at peace with God, and because we share in His resurrection life, how much more we will be rescued from sin’s dominion!

11 And even more than that, we overflow with triumphant joy in our new relationship of living reconciled to God—all because of Jesus Christ!

17 Death once held us in its grip, and by the blunder of one man, death reigned as king over humanity. But now, how much more are we held in the grip of grace and continue reigning as kings in life, enjoying our regal freedom through the gift of perfect righteousness in the one and only Jesus, the Messiah!

How are we to reign as “kings in life”?  We are to access our deposits given to us by FATHER’S grace!  Do not accept a life as a pauper but instead rise up in the revelation of who you are in Christ.  Now is the time!

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