New Testimonies

The word testimony contains within it the word “test”.  You and I are tested each month concerning our giving.  As for my wife and me, we give a tithe and offering above the tithe to let the adversary know of our willingness to be a greater blessing when given the opportunity.  I don’t expect anyone else to give based on our giving.  Each of us should give according to what The Holy Spirit directs.  It is critical to be a cheerful giver so never give out of duty or guilt.

It is as important to receive from Our Beloved Father as it is to give according to HIS expressed Word.  When we give to the poor, FATHER takes on that liability to not only repay us for our giving, but to abundantly bless us for our willingness to give to others who are in need.

In the past, we have given to other ministries, Israel projects through Lester Sumrall, T.L. Osborn ministries, building programs, Youth for Christ, etc.  We gave with pure hearts so FATHER responded accordingly.  Were all our funds used properly?  That is above my pay grade and is FATHER’S determination.  My responsibility is to simply hear and respond to The Holy Spirit in our personal giving.  Agape Love is obedient.

The funds we give through Servias Ministries are at the heart of Bethany where the original school district is located.  It is one square mile in size and has a larger, newer school district surrounding it.

A recent informative testimony from the school superintendent:

The gift cards we are able to provide to our families in need have been a blessing to those families. Often people do not think of Bethany Public Schools as having students and families in need. In fact, 40% of our families live at or below the poverty line and qualify for federal free or reduced meal programs. The majority of our families are among the working poor. They struggle to make enough money to support their families above the poverty line. The help you provide is greatly appreciated.

Another testimony from the high school:

We have been able to help numerous kids at the High School with Crest Cards and Walmart Cards.  We have been able to pinpoint students that are in need of clothing, shoes, backpacks, school supplies, and food.  Every student shows so much gratitude and appreciation knowing that we have been blessed with an avenue to help meet their needs in times of distress.  We have even been able to help one of our most recent 2021 graduates who had a baby earlier this year.  She has such a grateful heart and has always said “thank you” with tears in her eyes.  She has communicated to us that her cards have helped her meet diaper and formula needs for her son

All those who give continue to plant good seed on behalf of FATHER’S Kingdom.  I encourage you to listen and respond to The Holy Spirit in this area.  There were times past when my wife and I were broke but we gave according to what we directed by THE SPIRIT.  As I look back, we set ourselves up for future blessing and enlarged our positive impact on The Kingdom.  It wasn’t about working a system.  Instead, it was about being obedient especially in the area of finances.  I share this only to show you that we all go through challenges (aka human frailty) in order to express Agape Love toward others.

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans chapter 8:

26 And in a similar way, the Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty to empower us in our weakness. For example, at times we don’t even know how to pray, or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises up within us to super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words.

27 God, the searcher of the heart, knows fully our longings, yet He also understands the desires of the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit passionately pleads before God for us, His Holy ones, in perfect harmony with God’s plan and our destiny.

28 So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are HIS Lovers who have been called to fulfill HIS designed purpose. 29 For HE knew all about us before we were born and HE destined us from the beginning to share the likeness of his Son. This means the Son is the oldest among a vast family of brothers and sisters who will become just like Him.

30 Having determined our destiny ahead of time, HE called us to HIMSELF and transferred his perfect righteousness to everyone HE called. And those who possess HIS perfect righteousness HE co-glorified with HIS Son!

Since FATHER is for us, we can’t lose.  As we respond to The Holy Spirit, we will fulfill FATHER’S Divine Intent and we will be co-glorified with HIS Son.  Nothing can stop those who are obedient to Agape Love.

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