The Adversary’s Strategies: Part 4

My friend Steve wrote the following:

The Natural

“But the spiritual one is not the beginning or first in time, place, order and importance, but the natural one of the soul and mind; only then the spiritual one.” (I Corinthians.15: 46)

This verse is part of a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the ekklésia in Corinth. In the surrounding verses (35 – 50), Paul is explaining to them (and to us) that when YHVH created the heavens and the earth, He distinguished one dimension from the other. YHVH then created, among other things, unique living beings that were equipped with certain properties and authority that enabled them to perform their role and function within their respective dimension. A spiritual being was thus restricted to the spiritual dimension while a natural being was restricted to the natural dimension.

The exception to this rule was Man. He, alone, possessed the properties to function in both dimensions of heaven and earth, the spiritual and the natural, at the same time. So, spiritual beings may want to spread certain ideas or influence certain behaviors or do certain things on the earth, but they cannot do them without Man first agreeing to cooperate. They may attempt to initiate but ultimately MUST FOLLOW what Man, both male and female, agrees to do. This is what was happening in the decade of the 1960s.

America seemed to be at war with itself as it continued to promote and embrace one destructive idea after another. This produced huge and unprecedented upheavals in law, government, family, education, religion, business, in the norms of everyday life, in the structure and operation of authority. And, with each upheaval the fabric of this nation that once declared that it was “under God” and claimed to be “indivisible with liberty and justice for all” was being torn apart.

Some examples of these unprecedented, fabric-tearing upheavals that were systematically dismantling the culture of America included:

• 1962 – Supreme Court ruling that banned prayer in public schools.

• 1963 – Supreme Court ruling that banned the reading of the Bible in public schools.

• 1964 – Launch of LBJ’s Great Society and passage of the Civil Rights Act.

• 1965 – Launch of the Hippie Movement.

• 1968 – Launch of the Feminist Movement.

• 1969 – Launch of the Jesus Movement.

• 1969 – Launch of Roe v Wade legal challenge that led to the Supreme Court’s 1973 landmark ruling, which legalized abortion under the guise of a woman’s “right to privacy.” This reduced an unborn child to the status of a wart. Since then, an estimated 310 million unborn babies have been legally (not the same as lawfully) executed in the U.S. alone (60 million surgically + 250 million chemically).

The common thread that ran through and connected each of these examples was that in the name of law each promoted something that was entirely lawless. This lawlessness was not only authorized but also protected by the Highest Court in the land. This marked the clear and intentional insertion of lawlessness into the U.S. legal, legislative, judicial, and law enforcement systems. The Court was then used to provide cover and legitimacy for the subsequent dismantling of the then-existing social norms while inverting – or flipping – established authority structures in favor of new ones.

What’s so sinister about these rulings and events is that they each targeted the innocent, the weak, or the less fortunate in the population – women, children, minorities, the poor – under the guise of helping and protecting them. They also had a resounding, declarative tone to them as if they were being established by decree.

For example:

• Children and Education: The 1962 and 1963 rulings declared that God was no longer to have a role in the education of children; only the government would.

• Civil Rights and The Great Society: The Great Society and the Civil Rights Act declared the end of poverty and discrimination against minorities.

These wonderful-sounding concepts and legislative initiatives were noble on their face (who wouldn’t want an end to poverty and discrimination?), but the practical effect, empowered and mobilized by judicial authority, has been to upset virtually every aspect of American life. Though packaged as a morally superior approach to civil society that promised to create equality for all by prohibiting and punishing discrimination, it actually set up a caste system within America’s population.  Instead of unifying the nation as promised, it divided the nation into antagonistic sub-groups that have been and continue to be exploited by politicians and the powerful.

The first beneficiary of these grand schemes was to be the black community. But instead of providing benefits, it has all but destroyed this community by replacing the black man/husband/father with the government as the family’s head/provider/protector. The result: Three generations of husbandless women, fatherless families and children, angry and violent sons, imprisoned men, and impoverished families that continue to perpetuate more of the same in proportions not seen in any other segment of society. And though equality was the “right” most promised to the black community, they scream more for equality today than before this whole charade began.

• Hippies and Baby Boomers: The launch of the Hippie Movement exploited and mobilized the teen and young adult members of the population in the name of advancing the movement’s redefined ideals of peace, love, and harmony. It was the first declaration from the young and youthful that they were better equipped to run the nation and its society than the older, more experienced adult members.

To accomplish the declaration, its young adherents had to dismantle and invert the traditional authority structure in the home en route to dismantling and inverting it in society. So, the young no longer deferred to or sought the wisdom of their elders nor did they yield to them out of respect. Rather, the new order dictated that the possessors of wisdom and experience were too old and out of touch to be of use in the new, vibrant, and morally superior world that was coming.

This cultural shapeshifter burst on the scene with such speed and force that it begged for a term to describe it. Soon, “Generation Gap” was coined not only to label the growing separation that was forming between the young and old but more importantly to legitimize the flip in authority that was coming with it. Though catchy, by implication the term shifted blame for the gap to the older generations. This gave credence to the younger Baby Boomer Generation’s assertion that the elders had forfeited their right to lead and govern the nation.

Once the term’s name and premise of blame and responsibility were accepted, the term’s impact became entrenched. This established the “Generation Gap” as the new norm. From that point forward, each succeeding generation of youth would experience a gap between it and every other older generation.

The generational mandate of the new order was thus accomplished.

The movement’s redefinition of peace, love, and harmony that outwardly promised to build a morally superior society of unity and equality, instead built a culture of inverted authority, blame, and division that was assured to pass from one generation of youth to the next. The movement’s strategic purpose was set. The attitudes that were sown in the Boomers in the 1960s were now certain to be sown

in the succeeding generations of youth, the evidence of which is now observed in Gen X and the Millennials.

• The Feminist Movement: The feminist movement declared that women were equal to men. Of course, to declare oneself equal means that you must first declare yourself to be inferior en route to becoming superior. And so, for women to gain equality with men meant they had to first concede that they were inferior to men. But, for an inferior to gain equality with a superior means the inferior must first possess a power that is greater than the superior with whom they are attempting

to become equal. Thus, the declaration of equality was the first step to the feminist movement repositioning women to be superior to men.

This was a hard sell because it required women to confess that they were inferior to men. To overcome this objection without first losing its constituency, the feminist movement had to create a common enemy to distract women from its core message (that women are inferior) while rallying them against their new enemy (their life) and the ones who were accused of creating that life (men). This required the redefinition of equality while igniting feelings of discontent and antagonism to mobilize women into the cause.

The movement accomplished this by shifting focus away from the person of women and to the activity of women. Once a sufficient number of women bought into this misdirection, it gave the movement its basis for establishing women’s inferiority without making women inferior. This set the stage for pointing to the woman’s role in the family as being inferior to the man’s role outside the family. The workplace then became the new definition of equality.

Women were unrelentingly bombarded with messages from every conceivable medium convincing them to break free of all previously established norms of what it meant to be a female, a woman, a wife, and a mother. Their new mission became the ever-elusive quest of achieving equality with men – now redefined as working outside the home in pursuit of a business career.

This, of course, was an illusion because although women were distinct from men, they were already equal to men. They could do whatever they wanted as many women of that time demonstrated.

No matter. The march was on.

• Feminism and the Career: The Medusa of the outside career (like the man had) had now become the ultimate prize that redefined what it meant to be equal. The glory of distinction was dissolved by the demand for sameness as the outside career was now placed on the highest rung of the value ladder. Nothing was more important than the career; not relationship, not love, not marriage, not having children, not raising children, not caring for the family, not providing stability

in the home. The panacea of career was heralded to women everywhere – in the arts, in magazines, in newspapers, in music, on the radio, in television programs and ads, in the movies. What had been praised for centuries as the noblest of all professions had been redefined in a few short years into a curse word – just like “straight.”

Over the next decade, a tidal wave of women fled the home and flooded into the workplace creating huge upheavals in the family.  Children for the first time in history were being raised in mass by strangers for a fee. Financial prosperity soared as two-income families became the norm. And the authority structure in the home was being flipped en route to doing the same in business, education, government, society, and all manner of life. The game was afoot.

• Feminism and The Sexual Revolution: An enthusiastic partner that was running parallel to the feminist movement was the sexual revolution. This began in the early 1960s. Its mission was to dismantle existing sexual norms by removing all barriers to sexual distinction, choice, behavior, and lifestyle, particularly among young women. It redefined sexual practices that for centuries had been deemed

abhorrent, deviant, and destructive to now be normal. Promiscuity, premarital sex, homosexuality, bisexuality, pornography, transgendering, sadomasochism, and the like, were all celebrated as not only being acceptable but preferred by the progressive, liberated mind. Soon this mindset seeped into the teen culture to affirm the normalcy of teen sex. Living in the liberty of this new sexual norm was heralded as yet another victory in the ongoing war for equality with men en route to becoming their superiors.

• Feminism and Power: What’s fascinating about the feminist movement is that it has never been about women being inferior, or superior, or pursuing more noble careers, or achieving equality with men. As stated earlier, though distinct women have always been equal with men, and have always had the freedom in the U.S. to compete in the marketplace. Money in this current world system has no allegiance

except to those who have the skill to make more of it and who are willing to give their life and all they have for it. And so, women have always had the same opportunity as men to love and give their life for money. But, like men, they have had to learn how to compete for it and to prove that they are willing to withhold nothing to get it.

To some, this may sound cold and insensitive toward women. To others, it may sound naïve, ill-informed, or even misogynistic. It’s none of these. It is practical. This Paper has already asserted women’s equality with men and is in full support of a woman working wherever she chooses as the law of liberty rightly allows. But the reality is that this current world system is being run by the spiritual powers of the kingdom of darkness. In this kingdom there is no equality, only power, domination, and servitude. This is how it rules, so this is how it rules us. Equality only exists in the Kingdom of God. So, if equality is what we want, then we have to learn how to play by God’s rules.

Women, like the rest of us, were being sold a bill of goods. They were being promised something that the promisor has no intention of delivering. Why? Because equality produces unity among people of every race, color, creed, age, and gender. But unity is the last thing the powers of darkness want to facilitate among people. The only thing they want to facilitate is division. This is how they rule humans and the institutions through which those powers rule the earth without us knowing it. This is what the strategies and events of the 1960s were all about. For those who decided to accept them, they promised to deliver a morally superior society and the unity such superiority produces. But instead, they only delivered hatred and division. And so, the equality that these strategies and movements promised was a lie because equality does not exist in the realm that devised them.

So, the feminist movement wasn’t about equality. It was about seizing power, authority, wealth, and control. It was one of many devices and strategies in the 1960s that was billed as one thing while delivering something entirely different.

• Abortion: Abortion was the strategic crème de la crème. It was the ultimate goal and achievement of the 1960s as it positioned women above law and even above life itself. This was the crown jewel of the authority inversion strategy. Once any class of being obtains or possesses the power to subordinate life to personal choice, the seat of the Divine is all that remains. As Eve was beguiled in the Garden by the Serpent, so our women were being beguiled in the 1960s, and with them, us.

These examples, though profound in their own right, don’t tell the entire

story. We could go on to discuss the assassinations of JFK (1963), Malcolm

X (1965), Martin Luther King (1968), and Bobby Kennedy (1968).

We could also talk about the Black Power Movement or the Black Panthers. We could examine the Jesus Movement, which grew out of the Hippie Movement. It has changed the face of Christianity more than any other influence, especially among the evangelical and charismatic segments of the Christian religion.

These are but a few of the tumultuous events that were happening in the natural order during the decade of the 1960s. And each of these events worked meticulously to accomplish the core strategic objective of the kingdom of darkness – to dismantle societal norms as a precursor to inverting God’s authority structure in the physical earth.

While the powers of darkness were furiously working to disrupt and enslave through their strategies, Jesus was way ahead of the curve working to free and bless by methodically building the infrastructure for today’s technology-driven world.

Some examples would include: Introducing the prototype to the modern computer in 1964. Developing the UNIX operating system in 1969. Sending the first message over the ARPANET (the predecessor to today’s internet) in 1969. And then, 20 years later in November 1989, when all was ready and in place, releasing His Net Vision with the announcement:

“Kingdom Business is about to break out.”

The natural.

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