Overcoming Obstacles

To be an overcomer, you must overcome something.  Most people don’t want any obstacles in their lives but want a life of “smooth sailing”.  Accomplishment requires us to deal with a challenge and enjoy the satisfaction of completing the challenge.  Complaining does not improve success but lets you know that you have not reached sufficient maturity in dealing with the tests of life.  Our Heavenly Father in His infinite Love placed each of us here on this earth at this particular time to be subject to all of His laws which originated from His character of Love.  When we break of dismiss those laws, there are consequences.  Abiding by those laws does not guarantee a life without challenges but it does insure us that as we face those challenges, we will be comforted that Our Heavenly Father will be with us to guide us through to success.  As we look at the obstacles as an opportunity to grow rather than as a severe judgment, we will understand this growth is to prepare us for greater things that lie ahead.

The aspiring overcomers as a group have been dysfunctional to a degree.  Many have come out of Pentecost somewhat disenchanted with organized Christianity.  Many were hurt, maligned, and/or ridiculed for their revelation of Tabernacles.  The church did not want to lose control of the people and thus removed any people who had revelation that challenged their perceived authority.  Jesus was sent to the cross by men who were operating under this illusion.  This very obstacle provided the way for all men to receive salvation.

Isn’t it time for the Sons of GOD to cease being a number of individuals isolated and self-insulated?  Isn’t it time for there to be a greater unity among the brethren?  Organization is a good thing when the purpose is to serve and not control.  I see an awakening of a Kingdom structure for doing business, for impacting lives, and becoming a unified body to bring forth the Kingdom of Our Heavenly Father to earth.  Babylon is in the midst of crumbling and there will be obstacles ahead.  But with each obstacle comes a Kingdom-based solution.  Do I have all the answers?  No, but I serve THE MOST HIGH GOD who does.  As we focus on becoming a unified body of believers, the doors will open to us and Our Heavenly Father will provide the “glue” needed to make us a functioning body.  Selah!

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