David expressed by The Holy Spirit in Psalm 36:
10 Lord, keep pouring out Your unfailing Love
on those who are near You.
Release more of your blessings to those who are loyal to You.
Loyalty is faithfulness; not just avoiding temptation (but that too), but being faithful in all of your promises, keeping your word. Loyalty is steadfastness; knowing that FATHER can rely you in all circumstances.
We must change in order to become fully loyal to FATHER in every situation we encounter. People tend to resist change and become comfortable in living in their current circumstances. How long are you going to accept existing in your current situation? In order to rise above your situation as a believer, you must change and it starts with renewing your mind!
Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Hebrews 2:15
10 For now Jesus towers above all creation, for all things exist through Him and for Him. And that God made Him, Pioneer of our salvation, perfect through His sufferings, for this is how He brings many sons and daughters to share in His glory. 11 Jesus, the Holy One, makes us Holy. And as sons and daughters, we now belong to His same Father, so He is not ashamed or embarrassed to introduce us as His brothers and sisters! 12 For He has said,
“I will reveal who you really are to My brothers and sisters,
and I will glorify you with praises
in the midst of the congregation.”
13 And,
“My confidence rests in God!”
And again He says,
“Here I am, one with the children Yahweh has given Me.”
14 Since all His “children” have flesh and blood, so Jesus became human to fully identify with us. He did this, so that He could experience death and annihilate the effects of the intimidating accuser who holds against us the power of death. 15 By embracing death Jesus sets free those who live their entire lives in bondage to the tormenting dread of death.
Your predominant thoughts determine your life. In response, your words reveal your thoughts and those words will either promote life or death.
Fear paralyzes you. Each of us must overcome the fear of change if we are going to ascend to greater heights in THE SPIRIT. When our minds change, our desires change and we embrace what FATHER has for us that has not yet manifested in our lives.
Jesus spoke in Mark chapter 4:
26 Jesus also told them this parable: “God’s Kingdom realm is like someone spreading seed on the ground. 27 He goes to bed and gets up, day after day, and the seed sprouts and grows tall, though he knows not how. 28 All by itself it sprouts, and the soil produces a crop; first the green stem, then the head on the stalk, and then the fully developed grain in the head. 29 Then, when the grain is ripe, he immediately puts the sickle to the grain, because harvest time has come.”
Appropriate seed and time are the primary ingredients required for harvesting good fruit. The seed must be planted in the ground which is your heart. The pathway to our hearts is by hearing and receiving thus our mind, will, and emotions become involved in the process. Our loyalty will be confirmed by good and observable fruit.
Jesus spoke in John 6:63, “The Words I speak to you are Spirit and life.” He continually directs us toward life and restoration if we will only embrace such change. As we do, we will remove the orientation to scarcity and lack which has been taught to us by the world. Hoarding will not be found among us.
Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans 12:
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, Holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
You and I are directly responsible for changing our mindsets, not Father. This goes for our bodies as well. When you prove something, you verify and validate it to your own satisfaction.
Paul further wrote by The Holy Spirit in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10:
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ
Once again, you and I are responsible for knowing The Word so that no argument can be made which would challenge It. Every contrary thought must be taken captive and not allowed to lead us astray. We must not simply accept some “expert’s” views and allow ourselves to be lulled to a possible misdirection.
I know I must change so that I can claim my rightful inheritance set aside for use while I am here on earth. I recommend you do the same. We both will know when that time arrives where we are fully embracing all that FATHER has for us. It will be exciting and totally rewarding for our total and complete loyalty will be confirmed! Totally loyal Sons and Daughters will do the greater things Jesus promised.