Addressing Fraud

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans chapter 12:

2 Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you,[a] but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.

We need to get rid of unbelief and in turn, fully accept Absolute Truth meant for this earth realm.  We have no problem in accepting this reality in the realm of Heaven, but we must renew our minds concerning earth.

There are many “unbelieving” believers in the church.  They are lukewarm and have allowed themselves to be compromised.  They are overlooking evil and deception as though it doesn’t exist.  They often look the other way when evil sticks out its ugly head and at least partially reveals itself to the people.

When we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we were meant to promote the Kingdom of GOD on earth.  What happened?

Every life is sacred to FATHER, no matter how that child was formed in the womb.  FATHER is pro-life and we should be as well.  FATHER only supports Absolute Truth and we should be adamant that Truth prevail in our country and at all levels.  We must expect the highest courts decide cases based on the Truth and facts, not the manipulative efforts by attorneys and their shenanigans. 

Fraud is a deliberate act (or failure to act) with the intention of obtaining an unauthorized benefit, either for oneself or for the institution, by using deception or false suggestions or suppression of truth or other unethical means, which are believed and relied upon by others.

Does fraud exist anywhere in Heaven?  Absolutely not!  Then why are believers remaining passive and silent when fraud is being identified and proven before their very eyes?

The spirit of deception utilizes fraud as a primary means of manipulating people.  It is time for the true believers to take a stand against fraud and deception.  Until then, how can The Holy Spirit trust that believer with power and authority from On High?

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