Perfection Amidst Chaos

Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Colossians chapter 1:

28–29 Christ is our message! We preach to awaken hearts and bring every person into the full understanding of truth. It has become my inspiration and passion in ministry to labor with a tireless intensity, with his power flowing through me, to present to every believer the revelation of being his perfect one in Jesus Christ.

Christ and all His attributes are our message at Servias based on the foundation of Agape Love.  Grace, mercy, and judgment are all aspects of FATHER’S Love and we should expect all to operate in our lives so that we become perfected IN HIM.  As we mature in Christ, the world no longer has any enticements to draw us away from this pursuit of full maturity.

I am only able to write these posts with such frequency because The Holy Spirit imparts His message to us for each day and I share it with you.  I am encouraged that He speaks to us in a timely manner instructing us and preparing us for the days ahead.  He never leaves us or forsakes us… ever!

Paul further wrote by The Holy Spirit in chapter 2:

8 Beware that no one distracts you or intimidates you in their attempt to lead you away from Christ’s fullness by pretending to be full of wisdom when they’re filled with endless arguments of human logic. For they operate with humanistic and clouded judgments based on the mindset of this world system, and not the anointed Truths of the Anointed One.

People want to debate and argue because of soulish desires to be superior, dominate, and/or control others.  It is simply a form of manipulation and deception the enemy uses to draw us into error promoted by the world.  Once we are fully persuaded that the anointed Truths are the only positions to stand on, we will no longer be interested in debating or arguing current events.  The Word brings forth clarity and our purpose thus we no longer have opinions arising from clouded judgments.

9 For He is the complete fullness of deity living in human form. 10 And our own completeness is now found in Him. We are completely filled with God as Christ’s fullness overflows within us. He is the Head of every kingdom and authority in the universe!

The followers of darkness are attempting to dissipate the current move of GOD called The Great Awakening.  No matter how bleak it may look to those who are currently blinded, the Kingdom of GOD will prevail.  The blind shall see and the deaf shall hear the Truth.

18 Don’t let anyone disqualify you from your prize! Don’t let their pretended sincerity fool you as they deliberately lead you into their initiation of angel worship (mysticism). For they take pleasure in pretending to be experts of something they know nothing about. Their reasoning is meaningless and comes only from their own opinions. 19 They refuse to take hold of the True Source.

But we receive directly from Him, and His life supplies vitality into every part of his body through the joining ligaments connecting us all as one. He is the Divine Head who guides his body and causes it to grow by the supernatural power of God.

There will be those who try to steer us away from the “True Source”, Jesus Christ, by using some form of soulish worship.  True worship is only found in The Word and is accessible to all.  We must not look for the spectacular but rather focus on the supernatural resulting from being fruitful in Christ.

Yes we can be disqualified if we fail to remain vigilant in such chaotic times and succumb to the soul and flesh.  Now is the time to press in like never before.  We have been given the path of revelation to perfection in Christ.  Let nothing knock us off the path known as “The Way”.

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