More Will Be Given

We must quit trying to be something we aren’t.  In Mark chapter 4, Jesus spoke:

21 He (Jesus) also gave them this parable: “No one lights a lamp only to place it under a basket or under the bed. It is meant to be placed on a lampstand. 22 For there is nothing that is hidden that won’t be disclosed, and there is no secret that won’t be brought out into the light! 23 If you understand what I’m saying, you need to respond!”

24 Then he said to them, “Be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear, for as you do, more understanding will be given to you. And according to the depth of your longing to understand, much more will be added to you. 25 For those who listen with open hearts will receive more revelation. But those who don’t listen with open hearts will lose what little they think they have!”

I must change… period!  If you think you don’t need to change and are fully satisfied with your current state then the current revelation you have will cease to be relevant to your life.

FATHER’S abounding Love is unfathomable and we are just scratching the surface.  Those who have truly been to Heaven and returned affirm this Truth to be the case.

FATHER knows who you and I really are for HE wrote our books of “Divine Intent” before we were formed in the womb (Psalm 139:16).  There are those in the world that think we came into being without and FATHER’S Forethought.  Those are the same ones who argue evolution without any true observation of reality.  Their blindness abounds.  Both the microscope and telescope testify of FATHER’S Divine Intent and handiwork.  What silly people!

There are many Christians who only desire to meet minimum requirements to enter Heaven and prefer to live life by their own mental prowess.  During chaotic times such as this, they are ill-equipped to navigate situations and walk in fear.  They become mentally and emotionally exhausted because of their inability to handle all the circumstances being thrown at them.

The answer is simple, walk life out according to The Gospel.  When you do this, the complex becomes simple.  The Holy Spirit will show us The Way and we will begin to eliminate those complexities which were enslaving us and “burning up” time and money which could (and should) be used for productive aspects of The Kingdom.

FATHER will not change your book of Divine Intent but you can decide not to fulfill your destiny by your own choice.  When you yield to your specific gifts, you promote FATHER’S destiny.

If we will focus on what we are meant to be instead of what we do, we will begin to view the marketplace as our mission field.  It is FATHER’S desire and Intent for us to be prosperous in our calling.  As we inquire of HIM, HE will guide us into the needed blessings so that our calling will flourish and minister to others.  Our responsibility is to pursue excellence in our calling and always focus on doing the righteous acts which will propel us into maturity.

Our individual callings also promote unity and restoration.  The easy way out of conflict is simply to distance ourselves from the situation.  Have you ever considered that FATHER wants us to be instruments of restoration and reconciliation in those situations?  Wasn’t that the mission of Jesus and aren’t we to follow in His footsteps?

We must not hinder revelation by “closing” our hearts due to adverse situations which arise and/or confront us.  We must seek Wisdom and direction from The Holy Spirit rather than running away from such situations.  When we walk in the Supernatural, we have dominion over the natural and soulish realms.  We are able to identify demonic activity and deal with it accordingly.  As we open our hearts to listen and respond to The Holy Spirit, more will be given to us.

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