Tithes and joyful offerings we are receiving are being directed to impoverished school-age children who have no ability to repay. FATHER has a special place in HIS Heart for children. In Mark chapter 10, Jesus spoke:
13 The parents kept bringing their little children to Jesus so that he would lay his hands on them and bless them. But the disciples kept rebuking and scolding the people for doing it. 14 When Jesus saw what was happening, he became indignant with his disciples and said to them, “Let all the little children come to me and never hinder them! Don’t you know that God’s kingdom realm exists for such as these? 15 Listen to the truth I speak: Whoever does not open their arms to receive God’s kingdom like a teachable child will never enter it.” 16 Then he embraced each child, and laying his hands on them, he lovingly blessed each one.
When we give to the poor, especially the children, FATHER obligates HIMSELF to repay us for our cheerful giving. Jesus spoke in Luke chapter 14:
12 Then Jesus turned to his host and said, “When you throw a banquet, don’t just invite your friends, relatives, or rich neighbors—for it is likely they will return the favor. 13–14 It is better to invite those who never get an invitation. Invite the poor to your banquet, along with the outcast, the handicapped, and the blind—those who could never repay you the favor. Then you will experience a great blessing in this life, and at the resurrection of the Godly you will receive a full reward.”
In great gratitude, you and I should expect FATHER to bring forth great blessings in our lives for we are giving out of Agape Love and not out of duty. We are assuring these kids of receiving food and other essential support.
We are working with a local school that has a substantial group of impoverished kids. They are tasked with distributing assistance to those with the most severe needs. The superintendent and principals are grateful for our assistance since in the past, they would try to help those kids out of their own pockets.
I believe it is important that you know where our funds are going so that you can expect good fruit from your giving and know that the funds are being deployed in accordance with FATHER’S Divine Intent of Agape Love.
You and I are truly investing in FATHER’S Kingdom. Let the windows of Heaven open up today!