You and I are in the priesthood. Peter wrote by The Holy Spirit in his first epistle chapter 2:
4 So keep coming to him who is the Living Stone—though he was rejected and discarded by men but chosen by God and is priceless in God’s sight. 5 Come and be his “living stones” who are continually being assembled into a sanctuary for God. For now you serve as holy priests, offering up spiritual sacrifices that HE readily accepts through Jesus Christ.
To be identified as Christ’s living stones means that we are in union with Him and share His nature, for He is the Living Stone. Wherever we go, favor must have its way and we will operate in the blessings ordained by FATHER and released to us through our honoring HIM in our lives. Our actions reflect our Holiness.
You and I are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a HOLY nation, HIS own special people, that you and I may proclaim the praises of HIM who called us out of darkness into HIS marvelous light. We are to walk in the light and that light will draw favor from every area.
Favor is not positional, it is relational. Just because you attain a position in a ministry does not mean you will receive favor. If you have matured into a relationship with Our Heavenly Father, you have opened yourself up to HIS favor. This is why earthly titles mean nothing in Heaven. I claim to be no expert in any discipline whatsoever even though the world promotes titles in just about every discipline of study.
We must seek to walk in the legitimacy of The Gospel, not what men have cleverly taught in order to support their own agenda. This is one of a multitude of reasons I must pray in The Holy Spirit daily. We don’t need to be waiting on FATHER to impart some new mystery, we need to walk in the pure Gospel we have received. While many sit passively by, children are going hungry. The adversary promotes passiveness by having people focus only on future events at the expense of “now”. Is your angel sitting around and waiting for you to become active?
It is written by The Holy Spirit in Hebrews chapter 1:
13 But to which of the angels has He ever said:
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool” ?
14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?
Angels minister “for” us and are sent to accomplish those things which promote the Kingdom. Each of the angels assigned to you and me should be busy all the time as we step into the fullness of our purpose.
We have received much revelation and some of us have had visitations but it is time for habitation and walking in HIS Glory. Jesus spoke in John chapter 14:
23 Jesus replied, “Loving me empowers you to obey my word. And my Father will love you so deeply that we will come to you and make you our dwelling place.”
Jesus set an expectation of habitation in those who Love Him and keep HIS Word. HE will inhabit those who fully walk in Agape Love and our focus is to “master” walking in that Love.
Paul wrote by The Holy Spirit in Romans chapter 12:
1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship
FATHER inhabits the praise and worship of HIS Sons and Daughters so let us become a consistent and acceptable habitation for HIM, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. Then, we will be known as one of the “lively” stones.