Remembering who we are

John 8:31  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, [then] are ye my disciples indeed;

John 8:32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Are you controlled by what you see with your eyes or are you led by the Spirit of GOD?  In these days of volatility, fear can easily grip those who are subject to their flesh.  The flesh is a harsh taskmaster and the ego would have you believe that you must be in compliance with the world’s demands, ways, and direction.  We are constantly bombarded with external stimuli that would sway our perception away from the Word of GOD.  There are those who want to set up a new constitutional government to replace the current system.  I would suggest that the only government that could be a true solution is a Theocracy where Our Heavenly Father and HIS Word determine the path of mankind.  Anything else is simply more of the same.  Men in control will always move the citizenry toward greater bondage, not less.  The truth “makes” you free from bondage.  Your physical senses will betray you by promoting the desires of the flesh.  Exercise creates stress that promotes growth and health whereas slothfulness promotes death.

We are all subject to someone and none of us has complete independence from a greater power.  The only question is whether we choose to walk in bondage to the flesh.  As we continue in the word, order, direction, revelation of Jesus, we will know the truth, revelation, mystery, and mind of Our Heavenly Father.  This truth will make us free from the bondage of sin and death.  This is a continuous walk and will be tested as we proceed on this path.  We will be “stress tested” to see in our walk is sincere or a passing fancy.  As we mature, the tests have less impact on us to the point of them becoming a non-issue.  What was once a crisis is now simply an irritation.  Our confidence in the revelation Our Heavenly Father has imparted to us grows and becomes alive in our daily walk.  Yes, there will be challenges to the revelation but it will not be dislodged from the reality of our lives.

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