Mark wrote by THE SPIRIT in chapter 16:
14 Later He (Jesus) appeared to the eleven as they sat at the table; and He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen.
People are in desperate need of hope in their lives and they are not receiving it from those who have been exposed to FATHER’S miracle-working power in the past. I believe that many believers have withdrawn from their first Love and have replaced it with the world’s wisdom and have become preoccupied with the various technologies of today. In essence, their hearts have become hardened.
Jesus spoke in Revelations chapter 2:
4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.
5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.
Brother Eby wrote: When Jesus uses the words “first love” He speaks not of the childish and immature love we experienced when first we met the Lord. He’s referring to exclusive love — first place in our hearts above all other things! The Christians in the religious systems today are satisfied with merely an entrance into the family of God where as children they can enjoy the many blessings and wonderful benefits of God’s mercy, kindness, and goodness. Their eyes are blind to the higher purposes of God, and any efforts to lead them on to higher ground are rebuffed and resisted by a human reasoning that asks why one should waste time on “deep things” when they are already saved and “on their way to heaven.” But the new birth, while it is the most astounding miracle of the ages, is, nevertheless, but the birth of a mere spiritual infant. There are many further steps that must follow this birth if one is to come into all the glories and the full heritage which is prepared for those who follow on to know the Lord.
The revelation of Agape Love should be preeminent in our lives so that we can help a hurting world. As we come into the fullness of this revelation, we should expect signs to follow us as we minister to those in need. Technology does not address depression, only FATHER’S Love will wipe away such a state many find themselves in. Social media actually promotes depression as people attempt to depict their lives without any issues and instead paint a picture of a trouble-free life.
There are many who need a miracle in their life but they have no idea how to receive such a miracle. The world wants us to rely on the next scientific discovery while many are dying today for lack of FATHER’S miracle-working power in their lives.
. 5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent.
If you have lost your focus and priority of Agape Love in your life, you need to repent… it is that simple. You need to change your priority and eliminate those activities that draw you away from your relationship with FATHER. Entertainment found in social media is one such area.
On our recent trip, I watch numerous people focused on their smart phones rather than their surroundings. Drivers were more interested in looking at their phones than driving. Restaurants have placed a multitude of TV’s so that people can be fully distracted from the people sitting across from them at the table. “It’s all about me!”
How can we hear FATHER if we allow ourselves to be totally distracted? While the people around us are losing hope, many of us have chosen to disregard the signs of desperation they are sending out.
Love is the only solution to today’s problems. FATHER has the solutions and HE is waiting to hear the prayers of righteous men and women who have not lost their first Love. These are the ones whose priorities are on others rather than tickling their emotions with the world’s various forms of entertainment.
As Jesus said, “Repent!”