FATHER’S Love Plan

Jesus Christ is more than a religion.  He revealed FATHER’S Love plan for mankind.  Jesus in not a religion of complex traditions but rather He leads and guides us to FATHER’S unconditional Love for us.

FATHER recorded the Word and works of Jesus to provide us seeds leading toward an abundant life of health and prosperity.  If we plant those seeds, tend to them, and water them, we will receive a harvest promised to us by FATHER.  If we plant no seed, we receive no harvest… it is that simple.

It is written by THE SPIRIT in Genesis chapter 1:

12 And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

A seed will only produce after its own kind.  An apple seed will not produce an orange tree.  A seed of Love will produce Love.  A seed of hate will produce hate.  A seed of mercy produces mercy.  We must sow into good ground and I assure you that as Agape Love grows in your heart, the ground will be extremely fertile.

The Bible contains FATHER’S Love plan and within It are the seeds HE has given to us to plant which will produce miracles in our lives.  Jesus assured us “Do not be afraid; only believe.”  FATHER expects us to believe in HIS Seed and its intended results.  The more we study and ponder the Word, the greater our faith in those Seeds to do what FATHER intends.

When we plant seeds in other human lives, we receive a harvest in our own life.  When you or I give to a person in need without any strings attached, we are investing in his or her life.  When we give “acts of Love” to others, we are spreading The Gospel as effectively as if an evangelist was preaching a message.  When we purpose to be givers to those we encounter, FATHER is pleased to increase our fruitfulness.

If you are blessed by these writings, consider forwarding them to those who also might benefit.  Our desire is to reveal FATHER’S vibrant Love plan for mankind for this is truly The Gospel.  We have no interest in erecting buildings or creating some complex infrastructure to spread The Gospel.  Jesus went to the people to spread The Gospel.  To my knowledge, He supported no plan to build a new synagogue on every street corner. 

The Gospel is greater than what can be contained within four walls.  No building can contain FATHER’S Glory and HE will not be restricted to any building.  The people in need of HIS Love are typically located outside those four walls.  We should expand our thinking and perspective as we mature in the revelation of Love.

Each day I am grateful to be alive and want to express FATHER’S Love in whatever manner is appropriate for that day.  I look forward to waking up and spending quality time with FATHER as HE prepares me for another wonderful day.  HE gives each of us purpose and that purpose includes the expression of Love toward others. 

You and I are investing in the Kingdom’s riches as we promote the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Love for all of mankind.  I give Our Heavenly Father the full credit for my existence and I am not reluctant to share that Truth with anyone who is willing to listen. 

There is no need to force my beliefs on others for there are times when we are simply to invest in their lives by giving according to their need.  This will open the door to sharing with them the path to abundant living by planting “seed” themselves.  We should direct the recipients to the True Source of Provision- Our Heavenly Father.  We should impart the Truth of seedtime and harvest when given the opportunity as we spread the Good News.  This is truly investing in the person’s future.

As we plant the seeds we have been given and continue to plant, one day we will realize the harvest of the good fruit all around us.  Yes, we need to be patient and let the seeds grow “first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head.”  If we consistently plant seeds of Agape Love in their various expressions, we will surely walk according to the fullness of the fruit of The Holy Spirit and our lives will enjoy the fulfillment of FATHER’S Love plan.

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