Let Us Not Be Deceived

Paul wrote in Galatians chapter 6 by THE SPIRIT:

7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.

9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

There are those who think they have no need for further change or removal of impurities in their heart.  Consider journaling your time and interactions for a few days to determine where your fruit lies.  Into whom are you sowing life?  How much time is spent doing things which have no life within themselves?  Did you positively impact someone’s life?  Were you a good listener or did you take control of the conversation?  Were you generous or were you looking at ways to minimize?

As we move toward maturity as Sons and Daughters, we must be in constant pruning mode.  We should no longer concern ourselves with the temporary issues of life and instead keep our focus on heart purification.  Are the past rituals, customs, and traditions necessary or needed any longer?  Are they relevant?  As we proceed to full maturity, it will become increasingly subtle to identify that last 10% of dross in our heart.  This is where we must become vigilant and be brutally honest with ourselves.  Only the watering of The Word in a consistent fashion will complete the purification process.

We must shut down anything that sows to the flesh and that tends to be unique for each of us.  People might speak flattering words toward us and try to tweak our flesh.  Others might test our patience by their unreasonableness.  How we respond provides us an indication how much dross is left.  We long for FATHER to move in a great fashion and bring forth Heaven to earth through us.  Are we ready?

In 1948, there were many like us desiring for FATHER to show HIMSELF to the masses.  I am sure they thought their hearts were sufficiently pure and could handle Heaven’s power.  A great movement did occur and was later known as the Latter Rain movement.

In his book Seven Lamps of Fire, George Warnock wrote these penetrating words:

"When we see One like the Son of man walking among the lampstands with Seven Eyes — God wants us to look at Him, because He wants to change us. We can’t look into those eyes and not be changed! I recall looking into the eyes of a prophet, whom the Lord used in fellowship with other members of the body of Christ, to bring forth a new prophetic movement in the middle of the last century. When I was called forward to receive prophecy with the laying on of hands, after a brief time of waiting he said, Look at me! As I looked up I was very much aware of light in his eyes…as he began to prophesy. I will never forget that moment, and I know that it was from that time that I began to see the Word of God in a new light. I feel strongly it is time for a new moving of God in the earth. He desires to bring His people into still higher realms in the Spirit. We must have the Lamb look upon us, with those seven eyes.

"The movement I mentioned became known as the Latter Rain — a name that people gave it a year or two later. But in the beginning it needed no name, and they simply referred to it as this move of the Spirit. God was graciously pouring out His gifts on the church. These gifts are intended for the edifying of the body…gifts of healing and miracles and other wonderful operations of the Spirit — besides gifts that impart spiritual wisdom and understanding. But it was not God’s intention to start a new denomination with this prophetic movement, and I think it is for this reason that those in later generations wonder what it was all about. And they ask, Where is it now? Multitudes of people in all parts of the earth, partook of the blessing of this movement — and the impact of it has carried on in succeeding generations, as any real move of God should. But as far as I know, it never became a denomination known as The Church of the Latter Rain — at least not prominent enough to make its mark in history. And for this reason it is considered by many to have been a little shower that soon evaporated.

"In the beginning of the movement there was a certain emphasis on coming out of the old systems — coming out of Babylon. But it soon became evident that many would come out of the visible Babylon, while bringing some of the system along with them. I recall a few years later what one of the leaders said about his own experience. He said the Lord spoke to him one day, ‘You are trying to get the people to come out of Babylon, but I want to get the Babylon out of you!’ I’m afraid this continues to go on in the church, and because one has left the mainstream of the denominations, and has set up his own organization — is no proof that he has come out of Babylon. The Babylonian desire for greatness and enlargement, and wanting to make a name of renown, and keeping the whole system well under control — is strong in the hearts of men. And God must deal with all those inward desires that continue to plague the church" — end quote.

Let us not be deceived but instead continue to press in daily so that our hearts will be fully acceptable and ready to do whatever FATHER calls upon us to do.

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