Christians claim they want the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and to be ruled by this Kingdom yet there is little emphasis on knowing HIS ways, just HIS acts. Some pastors try to force “Jesus” on the unsaved when they should be sharing more about HIS gift and its benefits. The kingdom of man is based on scarcity, power, control, and judgment. Our Heavenly Father’s Kingdom is based on Love, command, and infinity. We all acknowledge the reports that the universe is continuing to expand and stars are being created all of the time but yet we focus on scarcity and only what we can see and control right in front of us.
Do you want to know Our Heavenly Father? Why don’t you focus on the one personality trait that Paul says will survive everything else- Love. How can you expect to administer HIS Law if you don’t understand HIS motive behind the Law? Man’s ego attempts to circumvent HIS Law by setting up new laws, selectively enforcing existing laws, or reinterpreting laws to embrace a new meaning to support lawlessness. Omitting Love in any discussion of the Kingdom guarantees that we have not yet arrived at the foundational understanding the underpins HIS Kingdom and HIS government.
One cautionary statement, when you want to know HIS Love, you will be tested. The practical application of walking out HIS Love will require you to love the unloved, to officiate over lawlessness, and to be confronted with opportunities to forgive acts done against you. Do you really think that HE will teach you only the hypothetical aspects of Love? No! You must experience the “walk of Love”. Jesus had to be betrayed by a friend. He had to be rejected by man. Those in power spit in his face. This was the ultimate paradox- submitting to man’s sin so that man could be released from sin. What an act of Love!
To rule in the Kingdom of GOD, you must understand the ways of Our Heavenly Father. To understand HIS ways, you must understand Love. Until you do, you will not be qualified to serve in the Kingdom.