Being Humble In Our Heart

Wisdom wrote in Proverbs chapter 3:

1 My son, do not forget my law, ​​but let your heart keep my commands;

2 ​​For length of days and long life and peace they will add to you.

​3 ​​Let not mercy and truth forsake you; ​​Bind them around your neck, ​​Write them on the tablet of your heart,

4 ​​ And so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man.

​FATHER is the Lawgiver and no one else can claim this title.  We are to keep the Law in our heart, not just comply with it in our mind.  The heart is the issue.  The Truth is only found through FATHER’S eyes thus we must maintain our relationship with HIM in order to know the Truth and to be set free from the persuasive technics of manipulation by man.  Man’s law continues to be modified, added to, and deleted to suit the ever-changing values of society independent of FATHER.  If Love were to prevail in the hearts of men, we would need no other Law but HIS.

5 ​​Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;

6 ​​In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

​Since Love would dictate our thoughts and actions, our trust in FATHER would guide our steps even though we may not fully understand the overall plan.  This is where trust is of paramount importance.  Who else should we fully trust with our future other than the ONE who created us to fulfill a unique purpose which spans our entire existence on earth?  We have a responsibility in this matter to think and act according to HIS Word:

7 ​​Do not be wise in your own eyes; ​​Fear the LORD and depart from evil.

8 ​​It will be health to your flesh, ​​And strength to your bones.

​This may be one of the most critical statements we must heed in order to walk fully IN HIM.  As we mature we have a tendency to be wise in our own eyes.  Many teenagers think they know everything as they transition into their teens but we know better.  FATHER’S wisdom and understanding are infinitely greater than ours therefore none of us should claim to be the epitome of Wisdom.  We must maintain humbleness in our heart which ultimately expresses itself in the physical.

9 ​​Honor the LORD with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase;

10 ​​So your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine.

How do you honor the LORD with your possessions and the firstfruits of your increase?  You give to those who are called by FATHER to minister to you and are promoting your maturity.  You also give to those who are in need when HE instructs you to do so.  Love gives and as you give according to FATHER’S expectation, you are humbling yourself with your finances.  To honor FATHER means to give him the rightful place of authority by rendering to him gifts of gratitude, respect, and admiration.  One way to acknowledge FATHER in one’s ways (v. 6) is to honor him with one’s wealth (v.9).  This is a stumbling block for those who have yet to fully trust in FATHER’S Word to us.  One could say that giving is a barometer of our level of trust IN HIM.  HE tells us the effect we should expect when we honor HIM with our resources.  When we overcome our orientation to scarcity then we have taken major steps toward being humble in our heart.

27 ​​Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due,

​​When it is in the power of your hand to do so.

28 ​​Do not say to your neighbor,

​​“Go, and come back, and tomorrow I will give it,”

​​When you have it with you.

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