Spiritual Treason
The Spirit of God says, "Why are My people attacking one another? Why are My people engaging in friendly fire? Friendly fire will not be tolerated! Just because you disagree with that person doesn’t give you the right to murder that person with your words. "Thou shall not murder!" Repent! You will be held accountable for every word you speak. The religious, legalistic and critical spirits that are on My people are creating division and chaos. Can you not see that you are being used by the Kingdom of Darkness? You are aiding the enemy! How can you take on an enemy that you are a part of? You are using My written word as an intellectual weapon against My people. You Brood of Vipers! My written word was meant to be wielded against the enemy not the people of God.
Repent, you who commit Spiritual Treason! You think because you know my written word that you know Me, but your hearts are far from Me. Your intellect, your so called knowledge, has created a spiritual arrogance, and your pride is separating you from Me. lf the written word was alive in you, you would not use it to attack My people. Repent!" The Spirit of God says, ‘Where is the sound of unity? Where is the mercy and grace that I have shown you? Why are you not showing it to others? Why has your love grown cold? Put your petty differences aside.
My love is unconditional. Love each other deeply. Love covers a multitude of sins and My mercy endures forever. The love, mercy, grace, and unity that I am looking for will be what it takes in these days ahead to push back the forces of darkness so My gospel can go forth. These attributes are what’s needed to be a part of my Army. I am looking for men and women of God to put their differences aside, come together in unity, for this common cause in forwarding My Kingdom. My Army is making great strides against the Kingdom of Darkness! Taking ground! Holding ground! They will be an unstoppable force in the days ahead. Unify, unify, unify! I am calling on My troops to unify now!
My comment: Love and unity is what we continue to preach at Servias. I urge those who read these blogs to focus on these areas as well.