… for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.
As a student of economics, there is one thing I am convinced of: no economist has a clue what to expect this year. There is a raging global battle in the unseen and there is nobody in control except one- Our Heavenly Father. There is absolutely no way that man can get his arms around the current economic picture. Who can tell us what the true value of assets are on the balance sheets of the banks throughout the world. It’s like silly putty in your fingers remolding itself continually. The lack of regulation in the financial industry has created an accounting nightmare and if accounting standards were truly enforced, many of the largest banks would be insolvent. The Fed knows this and will keep interest rates low so those banks can create profits to mend their balance sheets. This is at the expense of the innocent who diligently saved their money and did not succumb to the temptation of larger houses and bigger autos when all of their peers were temporarily feeding their egos at the expense of their future.
The Federal government failed its citizenry by exposing the uneducated and inexperienced to the wiles of the financial industry. We failed as a society to comprehend where blessing comes from- above. When man operates according to his own understanding, he operates in darkness and like a magnet he is drawn into destruction. As each of us fails to pursue the “light” from above, our focus quickly switches to self-interest. When a whole population does this, judgment comes on a corporate level. This is where the U.S. is today.
You only need to look at the content of daytime talk shows to ascertain the condition of America. Sin abounds at all levels. Promiscuous behavior has infiltrated our schools at an earlier age than ever before… nothing seems to be sacred anymore. Man’s philosophy of “anything goes” has replace Biblical Law. As a student of Biblical Law, it is clear to me why Our Heavenly Father established those 613 commandments and statutes. For example, tattoos have become the rage among the masses. The Scripture warns against tattooing, why? With the understanding gained In our EDS project, we know that metallic substances interfere with the bodies ability to heal itself. For a tattoo to last, metal or similar substances must be introduced into the ink to assure a lasting mark. This substance acts as a “toxin” to the body and interferes with the “electrical” system. Even though it may be subtle, the long term effect is not positive. Our ego would tell us that it is not a big deal and that everyone is doing it. However, when the books are finally reconciled, our body will reach a tipping point and no longer be able to fight off sickness and disease. Then we will wonder why it happen? Our ignorance and defiance of the Law has ramifications. Does Our Heavenly Father need to justify every statute to us? Should the “created” demand answers from the Creator? What an act of defiance!
The financial system has broken about every Biblical Law you can imagine. Can you find a financial institution that operates by “Love thy neighbor as yourself”? A Kingdom Treasury should operate by the mandate of Love and do what is best for those in need. Man’s idea of a “treasury” is to extract wealth in every possible means that it can get away with. A great example is the recent change in law toward the credit card industry. This industry has been abusing cardholders for years. Finally, the regulations were changed. However, the change would be delayed for several months giving the industry time to modify its agreements and find new loopholes to exploit the leveraged cardholder. Are the lawyers today any different than they were in Biblical times?
How long can this lawlessness prevail? Is the U.S. too big to fail? Students of history know that the U.S. is at risk of collapse by simply comparing the U.S. to the Roman Empire. The parallels are striking. Our Heavenly Father is patient but ultimately demands righteous judgment to correct the lawlessness when it reaches epic proportions.
What can I do? Start moving towards the “Light”. Jesus told His disciples that HE is the light and that whosoever believeth on HIM should not abide in darkness. Spend quality time each day in your “closet” seeking Our Heavenly Father’s perfect plan, will, and purpose for you. Pursue Love and it will take you through these tumultuous times ahead. Practice walking by faith, spread hope, do good things for your neighbor. Be kind, look for ways to positively effect others without expectation of payment. This system might fail but Love will remain! Jesus said, “Whosoever believeth on ME should not abide in darkness.”