1-11-11 Update

January 11th, 2011 has been of great interest to me. Circa 1997, Our Heavenly Father brought this into focus.  I was working “heads down” on a programming project on a Friday afternoon and suddenly the “anointing” came.  HE immediately told me to turn around and look at the clock and it was precisely 1:11:11.  HE said, “I bring MY anointing at the precise time”.  The anointing comes based on need.  At that time, I began to keep an eye out for any event tied to this number.

Economic cycles occur in multiple forms: short-term, long-term, monetary based, job based, etc.  What would happen if that “Perfect Storm” of cycles all converged at a specific point, similar to “Black Monday” in 1987, but with a greater magnitude at the convergence point (or date)?  It appears that early 2011 may be one of those such points.  See: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financetopics/financialcrisis/6763411/Baroness-Vadera-I-still-have-nightmares-about-the-financial-crisis.html

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