Beloved brother,
I wrote you in one of my emails that the Spirit of the Lord showed that I needed to spend time with the Lord. He did it in a very subtle way since I have been so distracted. As I told you, my life has been just work and since I have to commute and walk to different places, I feel tired all the time. So there’s lots of things in my mind as a result of bad choices I start to see now.
One night, when I was in bed ready to sleep I looked at my KJ Bible which has a very nice leather cover, and I thought, ‘How much I love your word, Lord". But then I realized that I was giving pretty much no time with it during my day, yet I seem to find time to check my twitter account, instagram many times a day. Why don’t I read and meditate in the words of my Lord instead? I realized as you said I have the talk, but not the walk. Who am I fooling?
I also got very despondent during my de-cluttering time yesterday, but later Father gave me peace in that I don’t need to fret but see receive His grace in my past weakness and immaturity and learn now. I saw that in everything that I hoarded I was "projecting myself to be someone created in my illusion rather than acknowledging my own reality." I acknowledged another part of my reality yesterday. Today I’m accepting the mercy and grace of Father to have brought me to see this reality and humbling embracing His correction and wait on Him in peace to revert the route of destruction.
I’m just sharing all this with you, brother, because the blogs have been a confirmation of His Spirit in me right now and I believe in others as well. We do need encouragement to let go and don’t be burden by condemnation in this process. It’s our task to renew our minds. I’m so happy that you wrote this today!
I was panicking yesterday, but today, the Spirit led me to take my mind off everything. I went to a park to get some sun and see nature and meditate in His words and some things you wrote in the blog.
Jesus said that He did what He saw and heard His Father do. How am I going to walk in HIS Spirit and be led by Him if my focus is constantly diverted by anything else but His word? How much do I value the time He is giving me now to seek His face and His words?
I was thinking how in Acts we see that for those saints the Kingdom was their priority and serving in love the brethren was their priority. Everything else would fall into place and the glory of Father was manifested in their midst. I started to see that my Lord has not been my priority. Many times the internet and my own life and problems have been more important.
Thank you for time to read this and for writing. You are in my prayers, beloved brother. May Father keep leading you in your calling to support others and focus on His Love.
Your beloved sister