
In 1 Timothy chapter 3 Paul wrote by THE SPIRIT:

16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:

​​​GOD was manifested in the flesh,

​​Justified in the Spirit,

​​Seen by angels,

​​Preached among the Gentiles,

​​Believed on in the world,

​​Received up in glory.

Jesus Christ was justified by FATHER in all of His Words and actions thus He was innocent, faultless and guiltless in every manner and was approved by and acceptable of FATHER.  There is truly no controversy for one only has to  consider the past and the present for this matter to be settled.  FATHER continues to confirm HIS Word in us who believe in Christ and walk accordingly.  Our motivation comes not from the world’s incentives but from the knowledge of Jesus Christ being our Elder Brother and example.

I need no formula to walk in THE SPIRIT as our Elder Brother but I must simply quiet my soul and allow my spirit to commune with FATHER and await HIS instruction in peace and joy.  I have known many men who achieved financial success but are still not at peace for riches will not fill the void in their spirit.  That is set aside for the connection with FATHER by HIS HOLY SPIRIT to fully dwell within.

There is no need for mental anguish about our circumstances when we are each assured and justified by FATHER ourselves.  HE is actively working in our behalf and HIS SPIRIT is confirming HIS Word among around the world.  I have had many emails of beloved brothers and sisters notifying me of the same verses, topics, and/or comments at the forefront in their own conversations and interactions with others as those I write.  How does this happen?  It is because I seek not my own but instead seek FATHER’S focus each day I write.  I have no interest in simply communicating another opinion but instead I look forward to what is on FATHER’S Mind today.  Often, what I write is applicable to unexpected events later in the day.  What a blessing that FATHER prepares us to handle the challenges to be set before us!

The word justified is also used in a legal sense.  Since FATHER is the Lawgiver and does not break HIS own laws, WHO better to be directed by than HIM!  Yes, I am an advocate of being familiar with the 613 commandments and statutes but moreover I would rather know the intent of each of the 613.  It is Love.  Once you have that key then you can look for the intent of a statute and you will then better understand FATHER’S practical motivation for giving us these commandments and statutes in the first place.  In Deuteronomy chapter 14:

8  “Also the swine is unclean for you, because it has cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud; you shall not eat their flesh or touch their dead carcasses.”

Why not eat pork?  These animals will eat anything and there are bacteria and parasites residing in their flesh which is not good for human consumption.  Cooking the meat does not necessarily kill these invaders.  You can argue the point but FATHER is simply looking out for our best interest in our diet.  In our past electro-dermal screening of energy interferences, this reality could be measured in those who ate pork including myself.

What are the Truth and the facts?  Jesus is our Lord, Savior, and our perfect example to live by.  We have been given revelation of that mystery in order that we might mature in the same fashion.  Let’s simply embrace this reality and we too will be justified by THE SPIRIT.

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