This year nearly 25,000 runners participated in the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon, Half Marathon, and 5K Run. 48 States and 13 countries were represented. 21 years ago many of experience the Murrah Bombing on April 19th. Those who lived here remember exactly where we were at 9:01 AM. Violence and war are not the solutions to our problems, Love is the only enduring solution. More bombs and bullets will not solve any dispute but instead living by the Commandment of Love will bring us into unity.
This happens to be my 4th year to run the half-marathon and I am grateful to be able to complete the course. I believe Super Limber is central to my preparation for such a grueling event. At the end of the race I was in much better shape than many of those who are half my age. I set up to help my friend Doug continue to supply the supplement he formulated to people like me. I have been using the product for over 15 years and plan to continue. My joints feel great after 13.1 miles. It is my desire to help others who are over 40 continue their active lifestyle. As my beloved friend Dr. Vince Speckhart would remind me:
The body is designed to live forever. The body is designed to heal itself.
We simply need to give the body some appropriate nutrients to allow it to do its job.
My beloved wife took a picture (outside the fenced area at the finish line) to capture the moment:
This event raised nearly $1 Million Dollars to keep the museum open. It amazes me that 25,000 people can come into unity at 6:30 AM on a Sunday Morning with a tremendous amount of positive energy all around. If only that would spread to the four corners of the earth. I expect FATHER has that plan in place.