A Couple in Need

I spoke at length to an elderly couple yesterday morning who are barely making ends meet.  He has had multiple surgeries in the last 18 months and they have no children to assist.  He is in his eighty-first year and unable to get around.  As you can imagine, his wife is carrying much of the load.  If you are interested in joining me in sending them a gift of Love, we will take donations for the next 30 days and forward them the lump sum.  Please earmark your gift by simply adding 80 cents to the amount.  Examples: 10.80, 50.80 etc.  This will alert us to your intent, especially when using credit card contributions.  Otherwise, we assume you are simply giving into the ministry for which we are thankful.

The government provides them a subsistence level of living but any unexpected expenses are not covered.  Our gift will help in that area.  FATHER Loves a cheerful gives and if you are drawn to assist I am sure the couple will be grateful.  If you are not led to give don’t worry, FATHER always provides and HE will move upon you in other areas as the need arises.

You can send donations to:

Servias Ministries

PO Box 1471

Bethany, OK  73008


Donate by credit card at: https://www.unity153.net/CGI-BIN/lansaweb?wam=KGU0800A&webrtn=Donate&ml=LANSA:XHTML&part=UNT&lang=ENG

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