FATHER’S Power is greater than any issue. As you align yourself with FATHER’S Will and purpose for your life you are indeed walking in righteousness. This does not mean that you will walk unchallenged. There are some people who are envious of you and wish to impede your walk in some manner. They want you to join them in their calamity. The adversary would want to keep you from success and prosperity as well but you must not let past failures prevent your from attaining your purpose in life. Proverbs chapter 24 speaks of this Truth:
16 for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again,
but the wicked are brought down by calamity.
FATHER formed you in the womb and established your calling before your earthly parents were aware of your existence. Earthly parents have exhibited much influence over children both good and bad. Some children grow up and spend much of their adult life overcoming negative words spoken over them when they were young. This is one reason why we must embrace the fullness of the revelation that Our Heavenly Father is our true FATHER and that our earthly parents were simply the vessels selected to bring us forth. Let not their Spiritual immaturity as they were raised you prevent your calling from coming into its fullness.
If you are not yet in the fullness of your calling, be at ease. Your time has not yet come. Joseph went through years of preparation before he was ready to walk in the fullness of his calling. Abraham was 99 years old before his purpose was to be fulfilled. Caleb was 85 and so on. Yes, we must let patience have its perfect work but FATHER does have set times for certain events to occur as we read in Psalm 102:
12 But You, O LORD, shall endure forever,
And the remembrance of Your name to all generations.
13 You will arise and have mercy on Zion;
For the time to favor her,
Yes, the set time, has come.
Though there are set times for major events to occur, we must live each day as though that day is the day of our set time. Otherwise we become unfruitful and begin to lose our passion or “spark”. Let us arise each day in anticipation of what FATHER has in store for us that day. Look for opportunities to be a blessing and HE will guide your steps toward those blessings awaiting your arrival. Some days may seem long and without much advancement but be assured all things work together for those who Love Christ.
The next phone call may begin your “set” time. Expect the unexpected and know that FATHER is working things out for your benefit. Set aside negative thoughts and embrace each day as a son or daughter of the MOST HIGH GOD. Be at ease.