In Gideon’s Army there were 301 men including himself. Our Beloved Sister Bonnie Gaunt wrote about this number,
“It was on a lonely hill outside the walls of Jerusalem that this Heavenly One, who came to earth to be born, to suffer, and to die as a man, hung on a cruel cross that afternoon. The hill was called Calvary. Its Greek name was Kranion, whose numeric value is 301.
“At 3:01 in the afternoon, as he looked heavenward and said, ‘It is finished,’ the moon began to eclipse. It was at 3:01 Greenwich Time that the eclipse began. God makes no mistakes with His timing, nor does He rely on coincidences. The word ‘moon’ in the New Testament is Selene, and its Gematria is 301. Yes, He who had formed the moon and put it into its orbit around the earth, now had given up His human life at 3:01, on a hill called Calvary (301) precisely when the moon (301) began to eclipse. It was the exact hour when the priests were killing the lambs for Passover. ‘Lambs’ [in Hebrew] has a numeric value of 301.” [The Bible’s Awesome Number Code, p. 55]
Thus the number 301 also speaks of deliverance by going through the door of death as Jesus did. We must die to the flesh in order to fully conquer fear and His act at 301 brought to us the ability to be fully led by THE SPIRIT. Gideon was hiding in fear when his calling was “activated”:
Judges 6:11 Now the Angel of the LORD came and sat under the terebinth tree which was in Ophrah, which belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, while his son Gideon threshed wheat in the winepress, in order to hide it from the Midianites.
12 And the Angel of the LORD appeared to him, and said to him, “The LORD is with you, you mighty man of valor!”
Gideon’s story points to the transition between the Age of Pentecost (threshed wheat) and the Age of Tabernacles (winepress). There were overwhelming odds against him doing anything to change the current situation:
13 Gideon said to Him, “O my lord, if the LORD is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all His miracles which our fathers told us about, saying, ‘Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt?’ But now the LORD has forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.”
14 Then the LORD turned to him and said, “Go in this might of yours, and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Have I not sent you?”
15 So he said to Him, “O my Lord, how can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.”
16 And the LORD said to him, “Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the Midianites as one man.”
FATHER does not need great numbers of men and women to bring about the Kingdom. Actually HE only needs a few who are “all in”. HE proves this very point by the deliverance of the nation of Israel with just 301 men PLUS HIS Power and Anointing on them. In the past we have asked FATHER to bless our endeavors but now we must focus on aligning ourselves with HIS Divine Intent and Purpose. We must rise above the fear that presents itself in our face and move beyond those hindrances that the adversary places before us as a diversion. How do we do this?
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.
Some will finally embrace this reality and be selected as one of the 301 to take on the strife and contention represented by Midian. If you can’t get beyond fear, the door will be closed to you making the cut in the first squadron. Don’t worry, the 301’s purpose was to bring deliverance to the rest of the nation so you will be taken care of. That is what Love does.