I would strongly urge those interested in better understanding Brian’s videos to consider that he was sharing “in the Spirit” and when he mentions a topic multiple times, it typically means you should pay a little closer attention. Kemper and I discussed the relevance of incest mentioned by Brian concerning his wife’s adopted sister. Consider Lot and his daughters. Incest means that you “love” those in the family and reject outsiders. Isn’t that similar to what denominations have done to those who are outside their influence?
Lot chose material blessing and ended up in Sodom (Gen 13:10). Abraham interceded for Sodom (Gen 18). Would you intercede for a city known for its great sin? Food for thought. Maybe it is time to revisit Lot’s circumstances as it relates to nonjudgmental Love.
Brian’s first Love was Helen as he mentioned in his broadcasts but he did not marry her. He ended up marrying her best friend. While there, we drove past Helen’s house but she is in mourning over her husband who recently passed away.
If you only consider what he said solely from the “physical”, you may miss the purpose of the trip and broadcast. I have no regrets in making the trip and further I am grateful to those who contributed.