The True Worshippers

In John chapter 4, Jesus spoke:

23  “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.

24  God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

To worship means to bow down in reverence and adoration toward Our Heavenly Father.  True worship arises out of Love for FATHER in an intimate relationship.  We do not bow down as a religious practice but out of our revelation of who HE is.  It is with the greatest of respect and gratitude do we acknowledge the CREATOR of Heaven and earth.  FATHER is so much greater in every aspect to any person, place, or thing that to revere anyone or anything else is foolishness.

Men continue to seek alternatives to the various facets of Truth.  FATHER is the source of all Love, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, supply, healing, wholeness, and peace.  Yet men seek out other means and devices to supply their need in those various areas.  Drugs are taken by addicts in hope for a few hours of peace whereas FATHER will give you peace in the midst of turmoil.  The masses are void of HIS Word in the area of healing so they seek various devices and means for healing.  I am always reminded of the two statements Dr. Speckhart based his success on: “The body is designed to heal itself.” and “The body is designed to live forever.”  Who better to heal you than the ONE Who designed and formed your body!

Who is the source of all Truth?  Our Heavenly Father!  Why do you seek after men who have at best only a portion of Truth?  Don’t you realize that a Loving FATHER awaits your sincere desire to seek HIM out?  We need to quit pursuing external formulas and devices to promote fulfillment.  Jesus told the woman that true worship was not fulfilled by an external act of going to the mountain or to Jerusalem.  True worship is done in the heart, an internal act.

Your connection with FATHER is in your heart, not your mind.  Jesus spoke of this in Matthew chapter 5:

8  Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God.

Notice that Jesus did not focus on the mind, knowledge, external acts, or rituals.  The issue is internal, not external.  The more you focus on the external, the further you move from true Worship.  Don’t you think FATHER will take care of the external once HE has fully matured HIS Sons to carry out HIS Will and plan with great precision, power, and authority.  Only when the Sons are fully prepared internally will they effect the external.  Your heart is the issue!

Your heart is where Love resides, not in the mind.  The mind is binary in nature thus it will always operate in a “conditional” mode… if/then.  If the heart is not strengthened and you allow your mind to dictate your walk, you will never be in full and complete peace.  Your mind will create problems to solve and the solutions will always be temporary.  It will focus on the external problems and direct you away from the true and everlasting solution.  Your heart is the source of higher intelligence for that is where you are connected with FATHER.  When I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, my mind went “tilt” and did not understand the event.  On the other hand, my heart was full of joy.  Do you want to improve your quality of life?  Focus on the internal, not the external.  The external is a result of what is done internally.  Pursue harmony with FATHER’S Will and the external will respond.  Pursue only the external and lack, turmoil, and chaos are likely to come on the scene.

When our heart is perfectly reconciled with FATHER, full Spiritual flow will occur.  It will not only flow to us but it will also flow through us to others.  Jesus consistently walked in this flow.  He did not need technology to heal the sick but simply operated in a connected fashion with FATHER Who imparted power and authority to bring forth healing and restoration to mankind.  Jesus prayed to FATHER and was in constant communication with HIM.  Jesus was a conduit for the power of FATHER to flow through Him to the rest of mankind.  Jesus understood and perceived the flow of power as the woman with the issue of blood touched His garment.  As we mature in the worshipping FATHER in Spirit and Truth, we should expect to be used in like manner.  This will be observable fruit of True Worshippers.

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