2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
A sound mind is a call to moderation and self-control. Associated with a sound mind is power and Love. We have been give HIS Spirit of Love, power, and a mind of moderation and the control of “self”. It is my belief that this particular quality of your walk is tied to the first Beatitude given to us by Jesus:
Matthew 5:3
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
‘Poor in spirit” indicates living in moderation and self-control. As we control “self” and not allow ourselves to pursue to cravings of the carnal man which always moves to the extreme, we set the stage to become focused on Heaven rather than the world. When your mind leads you to the extreme, you only end up tired and unfulfilled. This is especially true with the advent of the Internet. This medium allows mankind to “surf the net” for endless hours in search of some key to life, happiness, and/or health. It is true that there are benefits to such a massive database, but it is also true that excessive focus will lead to emptiness. Just consider if you spent the same time focused on a relationship with FATHER. Would you not have a greater and better result by hearing HIS Voice in response to a problem that is plaguing you?
There are a multitude of opinions now accessible to all who have an Internet connection. These opinions cover virtually every topic you can imagine. The human brain is designed to believe what the eyes see, the ears hear, and the mind reads. We must protect ourselves from man’s opinions that would lead us astray from the Truth. Television’s 24 hour news channels provide a similar source of opinions that can impact you and produce fear and cause responses which you lead you away from the Truth.
So how do we sift through all of the various opinions and influence of man? We must seek the One where all Truth originates. Our Heavenly Father knows the end from the beginning and HE will lead us safely through all of the events that are on the horizon. We must not move away from a sound mind due to some sensationalized, convincing view of what is about to take place on the earth. The current system is so complex, no man can fully grasp the effects of any action by men in control, only FATHER knows for sure.
As we continue our pursuit of the fullness of Love guiding our walk, we will walk in moderation in all areas of our life. We will not go extremes and exhaust our resources because of some soulish desire. When you walk in extremes, you become focused on scarcity and lack. Love has a sufficiency beyond what man can hoard or use up. As we continue in Love, our sound mind will uncover Truth among all the opinions and we will not be moved by those opinions which serve only to produce fear among the masses.
Major changes are ahead for men are moving to greater desperation. What worked in the past will not work in the future since the two are not identical environments. It is imperative that we seek FATHER’S direction in order to quiet our soul and let peace prevail in our lives. We must place our trust in HIM and not the opinions of people. This goes for the physical as well as the spiritual. We must not think that another man has a greater ability to hear FATHER more than us at an individual level. Yes, we may receive a confirmation through a brother but we should receive the initial Word from FATHER. Otherwise, we may jut be getting another opinion. Be assured, everyone has one. We must control “self” and stay away from the excesses associated with the carnal mind. We must focus on Love and as we do, we will receive power from Above to deal with whatever life sends our way. What a simple solution to our problems.