Oh what a blessing, God works behind the scenes and then reveals His Glory. I was surprised to find another check from Servias Ministries for $500 last week. When I called Bob to thank Servias again I asked if there were any individual names that I could thank personally and he suggested that I write him an email which he would put on the blog for everyone. Sooooo! Thank you Servias for being obedient and letting people know of the need and thank you all for listening and being obedient servants of the Lord.
I believe we are all in for a big change as the Kingdom is unveiled to us. But as long as the Lord allows me to maintain the boat it will continue to be His and available for His people to use. We had an absolutely wonderful evening last Sunday when Jan Kennedy a local friend who donated to the cause brought 5 of her beautiful friends down to the boat for dinner and fellowship. It was so difficult I really had to suffer for the Lord.
As much as I love living aboard if it is a heart idol and a hindrance to my service for the Lord I’m sure he will give me a new direction send someone will along to carry on the boat’s legacy.
So Hallelujah I’m getting closer to having enough money to either repair or demolish the boat. I’m researching products that will deal with wet wood. It’s in His hands I’m just waiting for clear directions. Here is a opportunity for someone to own or partner in a classic boat and have a condo on the bay for the cost of repairs.
Thanks again friends,
Be Blessed
Dave Dixon