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The Emergence of Overcomers By Clay Sikes

There is a mighty transition taking place as overcomers emerge from under the rock where they have been hidden for many years. They are coming forth as an aged eagle that hides himself in the cleft of the rock, plucking his feathers, battering his beak, awaiting new growth and youthful renewal. This emergence has a pattern – overcomers facing adversity, maintaining hope while circumstances scream “there is none!”

These men and women share common characteristics – rough edges made smooth by the abrasions of a challenged life, finding Holiness that evaded (them) for years; without spot or wrinkle – awakened to Christ in them the hope of glory, realizing that it isn’t them who live, but Christ in them. Leaving legalism far behind, they are lead and moved by His Spirit only, having a Holy distaste for organized religion and the works of men.
The Body and Head are joining as the Bride is being prepared for the Bridegroom. This submissive Bride has learned “that of their own selves they can do nothing.” Dead to human ambition and the soul’s control, these have learned the yielded life; perfected in their understanding of “perfect love” that eradicates fear of any person, occurrence, or situation. Their implicit trust of the Father negates the oppression of circumstance, even death – “not my will, but they will be done.”
Greatest among the traits of these emerging saints IS their understanding and application of perfect love, a love grounded so deep in trust that they never question “all things working together for their good.” Realizing they see ONLY IN PART, but serve a God who SEES ALL, avoiding human reasoning for direction or understanding. These have recognized that His life is only possible in surrendering theirs. Dead they are – dead to self, to the ways of men, and human understanding – aware of the Holy Spirit’s desire to dwell in them as a power source (for them) in carrying out His purpose.
These overcomers are emerging; connections’ being made as the Kingdom is forcefully advancing. These spiritually violent men and women recognize that evil and darkness invading the earth is only a sign that the light of God grows brighter within them. A new generation, a renewed generation, a new people will bring forth the new wine. The wineskin that once held them is broken, and a new structure/government/Kingdom has come – a people dead to themselves who have returned to the garden. Their fruit is evident – non-judgmental, without bias, tender, putting others ahead of self, living to serve, courageous, faithful, loyal, and steady.
Nobodies to man are somebodies to God. The first shall be last, and the last shall be first. Awaken O sleeper, it is time to arise. Your times are in God’s hand, and your time has come!


I could not have said it better myself!

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