Beyond Comparison- A More Excellent Way

I am compelled by the Love of Our Heavenly Father to urge you to focus on this very same Love that motivates me.  Why?  It is beyond comparison.  It is the only solution to all of the problems facing the world today.  Yes, it sounds like an extremely simple solution in a complex world but it obviously isn’t so simple.

The sin of Adam revolves around self-preservation.  The answer to this issue is to die to the flesh, a simple but allusive task.  Mankind has been so focused on self-preservation that much of the infrastructure built today was created around that intent.  Walls of isolation were built to keep out those who would challenge this attitude of self-preservation.  Controls and laws were put in to place furthering this view of protection.  Now even sin is protected under the guise of individual rights.  The “greater good” once meant something virtuous.  Now it is a term coined by those in control who want to retain their position by touting some secret agenda that must be maintained in order to keep us all safe.  This spirit of self-preservation has deep roots that don’t want to give up dominion but it must.

The Apostle Paul was getting ready to share Our Heavenly Father’s Divine Intent for all of us to embrace.  He began the Love Chapter with:

1 Corinthians 12:31  But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way.

Why settle for less?  Why not pursue the More Excellent Way?  As you pursue The Way, you will tap into the Treasuries of Heaven.  This is where all of the solutions to the current dilemma reside.  Man’s wisdom has failed.  His ego has brought us to the point of destruction of the current system.  Those who find The Way will be the ones others will follow as their previous pursuits and assumptions of life disintegrate before their very eyes.

I believe that Servias was raised up to help show The Way.  After all, HE could have shown me and my four and no more, but instead we are to broadcast The Way for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.  Only Love will bring forth full and complete unity, it is truly the More Excellent Way!

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