The Elites or The Remnant

We continue the convergence toward a major shift on earth.  The current system has been run by self-serving individuals who have mastered lawlessness to the nth degree.  The complexity of their solutions have outstripped their ability to solve the next crisis their previous solutions produced.  Their path for the globe will not end well.  There is over 1.4 quadrillion dollars in financial derivatives much of which is tied to interest rates.  As rates go up, the derivative contracts will require performance by the counterparty.  In turn, the losing side must liquidate assets to pay off their obligations.  What assets do they have?  They probably have large stock positions in the market.  The Dow has been reaching all time highs.  This has been due to the Federal Reserve focusing on producing a “wealth effect” in order to keep the investing public passive.  Their manipulations of markets will soon be history.  Markets will collapse.  I expect their license to print money out of thin air will be revoked once the investors finally wake up to the misrepresentations of government statistics.  Much of the perceived wealth will evaporate overnight.

The system is so complex now that it needs a complete overhaul.  With over 6.5 billion people on earth, who can bring us out on the other side of this impending crisis?  The world’s smartest people got us into this mess.  The richest people funded this mess.  They are out of solutions or they would have already been implemented.

This is where I believe Our Heavenly Father will step in with the needed judgment to wipe away the lies and lawlessness.  HE has been preparing the Remnant who will listen and respond to HIS direction.  They will make the needed changes based on Love, not self-preservation.  Upon judgment of the current system, the masses will be ready to receive a righteous solution to their failed system.  Men and women walking in Love and by the Holy Spirit will be the ones who will set the new course.  If you are lacking in Love, I suspect you will not be sufficiently empowered to be part of the solution.  That’s okay, HE will raise up a sufficient number of those who have been called.  HE always does.

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