Promoting Strife

The Middle East is in shambles.  War has become a way of life there.  The U.S. has enabled both sides in varying degrees.  Why?  It is all about lust and pride.  Everyone thinks they are entitled to whatever resources are available.  Some take that position by inheritance, others by force.  The earth and it fullness are the LORD’s.  That is the reality.

James 4:1   Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?

The U.S. wants to maintain its lifestyle and it thinks it is entitled to do so.  The Europeans are no different.  The elites in every country believe they are “entitled” since they have wealth and power.  Are all of them about to be humbled?  Maybe so.  The lawlessness has so infiltrated the various societies around the world that there is substantial justification for a “global reset” unexpected by the elites.  This global reset I speak of will come from Above, not from a hidden, smoke-filled room of manipulators.

Throughout history, Our Heavenly Father has used small groups to carry out major changes in the focus and direction of the population.  Noah was in a group of eight.  Gideon was in a group of 300.  Each would be classified as a remnant.  HE always has a remnant of staunch believers who fully trust HIM.  I trust that you and I may be counted among those in the current remnant.

James continues:

2 You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.

James is eluding to the Law of Scarcity.  This is the law that the ego lives by.  At the center of the Law of Scarcity is lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life.  These are the three fundamental aspects of the ego.  The ego will move you to scarcity and then convince you of ways to satisfy your “scarcity”.  They never include walking in Love.  On the contrary, war is at the center of focus, whether it be with those who have the resources you want or in your own members.  The ego will create a problem to solve.  It leaves you in a constant state of lack and want.  It has you right where it wants you.  Success and peace are just barely out of your reach at all times.

4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.

What does an adulterer do?  He is not faithful in his relationship with his life partner.  The church is the bride of Christ.  Has she pursued idols to satisfy the flesh?  The more you Love, the more faithful you are.  The maturity of Love produces faithfulness.

The solution to world peace is Love, nothing else.  Love created man, the universe, and the law.  The universe is in harmony or planets would have already collided with each other.  On the other hand, mankind has continued in discord.  The ego has promoted judgment as a right of man.  Man’s judgment will always promote discord.  Only Our Heavenly Father can truly judge in a proper fashion.  As we are led by the Spirit, we can carry out HIS bidding.  Until then, war will rage on.

I believe Our Heavenly Father is raising up HIS Remnant in the revelation of Love.  Once the remnant has been fully prepared, things will change.  In the meantime, the vessels of dishonor will continue to mature as well.  Once maturity of both have come, there will be a harvest.  The Great Reset will occur.  Those who pursue the fullness of Love will be the standard for all to see.  What are you pursuing?

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