The Sign of the Honey Moon

Honey Moon, Honey Moon celestial event

It is reported: A rare full ‘Honey Moon’ has not fallen on Friday 13th in June since 1919 and it will not appear again until 2098.  See:

This is where the term honeymoon was derived and it represents a fruitful summer.  I tend to shy away from signs unless they are converging on what Our Heavenly Father is saying to me.  Signs are only for confirmation of a Word from Above, not initiation of action.

On October 31st, 2007, we were having a small gathering at our house discussing aspects of the salt covenant.  My assistant called with the following dream:

Terri’s Dream – early morning hours of 10/31/2007

I was on my way to Bob’s house, but it was not the house he lives in now. It was a very large house with a parking area in the front for five to six cars. I went into the

house were Bob was having his meeting and he sent me to the cabana that was located at the back of the property. The backyard was huge and the landscaping was absolutely beautiful. As I headed to the very back of the property where the cabana was I could see Amber and she was panicking. There was a bobcat that was circling the cabana trying to get to her. I grabbed Amber and started looking for someplace to hide. The cabana had three rooms, as we went inside and closed the doors behind us we could see that there was a gap under the door (almost like swinging doors) that was large enough for the bobcat to get through. We ran to one room and that door also had a large gap, so we went to the next room which was a shower area. The door to this room still had a gap large enough for the bobcat to get under. Then we went to the third room, this door had a small gap so I pushed Amber to the corner of the room and stood in front of her. We heard the bobcat come to the door and he was able to squeeze under the door. Just as the bobcat was fixing to attack us, I was able to get my foot on his neck and hold him down. I told Amber to run to the house. I applied pressure on the bobcat with my foot hoping to hurt him. When I lifted my foot, he seemed hurt and I was able to get out and head to the house. When I got to the house I realized I forgot something in the cabana, but I needed the keys. I got Bob out of his meeting and he handed me a large bunch of keys and pulled out the cabana key. As I was making my way back to the cabana I noticed with each step I was losing keys. When I got to the Cabana I only had one key and it was the one to the Cabana. The bobcat was still inside, but this time I was not afraid of him, he seemed friendly. I went back to the house and told Bob that I lost all the keys except one, he told me I had to go back and find all of them. As I headed back to the yard I started finding the keys underneath bushes, there was a key under each bush. I gathered up all the keys I had lost and went back up to the house and returned them to Bob.

Inquiry of the dream on 11/4/07

The Cabana represents the Temple:

The first room is Outer Court

The second room is the Holy Place

The third room is the Holy of Holies

Bobcat is a predator and lives up to 16 (years) in the wild. It also has a basic hunting area

of 16 square miles. The bobcat represents a worldly illusion of love seeking to destroy

God’s Love (Amber).

The gap allows for easy access (citizens)

Second gap is more difficult to enter (priests)

The shower represented the required cleansing to enter the third room

Third gap is minimal entry (high priest)

When Terri stepped on the neck of the bobcat, it represented the overthrowing or

destroying altars. (Exodus 13:13)

The key to the cabana is the Key of David: Love, the man after God’s own heart.

The other keys of the Kingdom are in reference to:

The Pentecostal Church had some keys but had wrongfully used them.


The Scripture that The FATHER gave the group concerning the dream:

Luke 12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:33 Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which

wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. Luke 12:34 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Luke 12:35 Let your loins be girded about, and [your] lights burning; Luk 12:36 And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.

Coincidentally and having totally forgotten about the dream, Pam and I were led to begin work on a cabana in the backyard last August.  I had some simple plans drawn up and began work on the cabana.  During the construction, Mike Winchell , who was at the meeting in 2007, recalled the dream and had typed out a copy of it.  The actual cabana tracks with the cabana in the dream.  The actual cabana has 3 rooms, one being upstairs (an upper room) above the shower.  It also has a fire pit in the first room.  A brazen altar?

Today is slated for the official opening of the cabana.  We are having a laidback celebration this evening with friends.  Several delays of various types had delayed the completion until now.  I had hoped to have it completed back in May.  The Honey Moon of 2014 marks the manifestation of the dream of 2007.

The honeymoon is a manifestation of unity.

What does Father have in store?

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