1 Corinthians 12:1-12

I was sent this study by a brother and I provide this for you to ponder:

A Study of 1 Cor. 12:1-12

The prophet Hosea said “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hos 4:6) The same can be said of Christians today. When it comes to spiritual matters Christianity seems to be polarized. Many choose to completely ignore anything to do with charismatic matters because they think it strange, bazaar and even devilish. Others have embraced it and then added strange fires to it making it strange, bazaar and even devilish. Brothers and sisters, we need only to go to the word of God and let it explain itself. It is there that we will find proper instruction so that we may bare good spiritual fruit. It is the common ground of the Word of God spoken in love that will bring men into unity on such a matter.

For this study we will be using the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.

1 Cor 12:1A Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, The word gifts is in italics. In the KJV of the Bible, anything the translators added to the text is

in italics. The Greek word used here is pnumatikos, meaning matters of the spirit. Therefore the verse should read “ Now concerning matters of the spirit brethren.”

1 Cor 12:1B I would not have you ignorant. The word “would” indicates an intense passionate desire. So this verse could read “My intense

passionate desire is not to have you ignorant.”

Vs. 2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.

A man can go no further than what he is taught. We all have points of reference outside ourselves. Some are correct and some are incorrect. If a man is raised among people who believe the earth is flat, chances are, he will not only believe the earth is flat as an adult but he will also adamantly defend his beliefs. When Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic many thought he would sail off the edge of the earth. Until he proved them wrong by returning with evidence of another land. It takes courage to walk contrary to popular beliefs and a meek heart to learn otherwise. The people at Corinth worshiped man made gods with man made forms of worship. Today we don’t have many idols of wood, stone or precious metals but we have a plethora of idols of the heart. An idol of the heart is anything that takes precedence above our heavenly father. It could be money, social position, family, possessions, incorrect beliefs, etc. In this case it is false beliefs. Paul is lovingly correcting the misunderstanding of the church concerning spiritual matters.

Vs. 3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and [that] no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.

Here Paul is correcting a misunderstanding in the church. It was practiced among pagan worshipers to curse their gods when something went wrong. After all, their gods could not talk back to them so why not. This practice is still alive and well in our own society today when you hear someone say in frustration, anger or idle speaking “God damn this…” or “Jesus Christ that…” Hear at Corinth people would hear a Christian speak by the spirit, which is speaking in tongues, and not understanding what they were saying would assume they were cursing Jesus. Nothing could be further from the truth as we will see later in this study.

Vs. 4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.

The word gifts is the Greek word charismata which means a gift of divine grace God to man. To the unsaved it is eternal life (Rom 6:23). To the individual believer it is the ability to operate a manifestation (Acts 2:38). To the church it is the five gift ministries in operation (Eph. 4:11). Vs. 5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. The word administrations is the Greek word diakonia meaning service ministries. These operate man to man on a horizontal level. For example one may have a ministry of helps another may have a ministry of governments.

Vs. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in


The word operations is the Greek word energema meaning “the thing wrought or the effect” such as the nine manifestations listed later in this chapter. The word worketh is the Greek word energeo. The point being made here is that it is not the man that does the working but it is God that does the working.

Vs. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

Let’s take a moment to clarify something. There is one gift which is the gift of holy spirit. There are nine manifestations of that gift. God, who is Holy and is Spirit gives that which he is. The gift of holy spirit. Every man, who is born again of God, has this complete package which has several operations that manifest in the senses or quantum realm in different ways. The emphasis is that when the spirit is manifested there is profit.

Verses 8-10 list the nine manifestations of holy spirit according to their profit

Vs. 8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of

knowledge by the same Spirit;

The word of wisdom is listed first. The number one indicates unity and the beginning. Therefore, the word of wisdom must be used with all the manifestations. The word of knowledge is listed second because it divides off of word of wisdom. But with the two together, these manifestations are absolutely conclusive and complement each other.

Vs. 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit.

Faith, also translated believing, is third because it completes, makes entire and gives perfection. For without it, it is impossible to please God. Gifts of healing is listed forth. Four stands for the earth or material creation. Our bodies are refereed to as earthen vessels our earthen vessel needs healing when we are sick or injured. Every time we are healed it is a gift.

Vs. 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

The working of miracles is listed fifth. Five is the number for grace and favor. Miracles are God’s grace and favor on our lives. Six is the number for man. Prophecy is listed sixth because it is always given man to man on a horizontal level. Discerning of spirits is listed seventh. Seven indicates spiritual perfection and completion. With this manifestation the overcomer can spiritually discern if there is the spirit of God (holy spirit) or devil spirits involved in a situation. Allowing him to walk in the perfection God desires for his people.

Tongues is listed eighth. Eight is the number for new beginning. All the prophets including Jesus Christ operated the previous 7 manifestations. They prophesied about speaking in tongues but did not have the spiritual ability until the fulfillment of the Feast of Weeks. The manifestation of speaking in tongues represents a new beginning with a new spiritual ability. The manifestation of interpretation of tongues is listed ninth. It signifies God’s visitation. When a person whether believer or unbeliever hears interpretation of tongues it is in his own language. He will understand the interpretation. It will be a message from God. It is God visitation. These nine manifestations of the spirit are the tools needed to produce fruit of the spirit (Gal 5:22). They are not an end in themselves but a means to an end which is the desired fruit.

Vs. 11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man

severally as he will.

There is one gift, that is the gift of holy spirit. Each individual who has this gift has the ability to operate all 9 manifestations as that individual wills to. Another translation of this verse reads:

Vs. 11 All manifestations are energized by that one and selfsame spirit distributing to every man his own as the man wills. The adversary would have you believe that no one individual has the ability to operate all nine manifestations and that each manifestation is a separate gift. This very teaching has seriously limited the ability of many to function effectively in the body of Messiah. If you leave out one of the nine manifestations, you miss out on the profit and the fruit of the spirit that will be produced by its operation. The gift of holy spirit is “Christ in you.” Let me ask you this, is Christ limited to only one manifestation? Just because a man wills not to operate a manifestation does not mean that he doesn’t have the potential to operate the manifestation. God is no respecter of persons and He is more willing to give than his children are to receive. We the body of Messiah must rise up and claim our spiritual potential.

Vs. 12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.

It takes a spiritually mature person to see and appreciate the one body of Christ. Not everyone has the same calling in the one body but each individual is important to the functioning of that body. Denominational dogma has ripped and tore at the body of Messiah for centuries. Separating into “us and them” by claiming to have “the right doctrine.” I ask you dear Christian. Where, in the Word of God, are we commanded to be right all the time. We are told to study to show ourselves approved unto God and with that studying comes the understanding that we are commanded to love. It is love (agape) that holds the body of Messiah together and allows it to function. Speaking by the spirit originates from the gift of holy spirit that is in each born again Christian believer. Among the first century Christians, speaking in tongues was the evidence they looked for, the proof in the senses realm of the gift of holy spirit. Today because of ignorance or wrong teaching it is the exception. In fact many Christian denominations look down on it. It is a travesty that this manifestation of holy spirit would be looked upon with such distain by the very people Jesus Christ poured out his life for.

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