Kings of the East respond

Both Russia and China are vocal about any retaliation toward Russia in the Ukrainian turmoil:

China warns of dangerous Russia sanctions ‘spiral’


Russia issues warning after fatal clashes in Ukraine city of Donetsk


Meanwhile, the Russians move a reportedly 80,000 troops to the area and the U.S. is threatening to impose sanctions.  See:

Germany’s Merkel warns Russia of "massive damage" if it persists



This is all about the greed and energy.  The U.S. and Europe want cheap energy so their economies can continue to dominate global finances.  China and Russia are tired of being the “whipping boy” to the western policies.  How much longer will they be bullied by the West?  It appears that Putin may be spearheading a move to break away from the western dominance.  The outright illegal and sustained manipulation of energy prices, interest rates, gold, and silver by the West are seen as lawlessness by the rest of the world and is cause for their response.  The petrodollar will be the target of the Kings of the East.

Cyprus was a direct conflict with Russian finances.  Syria is connected to Russian energy interests.  Now, the Ukraine where the Russian pipelines to Europe reside.

All indications suggest that Our Heavenly Father’s protecting covering over the U.S. has long since been removed.  9/11 was proof of that.  People are getting weary of the status quo and are beginning to respond.  When men get desperate, they do desperate things.  Don’t be caught unprepared.

Gold ended the week on a high note, finally.  Billionaire Eric Sprott is looking into filing a lawsuit against the investment banks who have been manipulating the price of gold.  On January 17th a German regulator came out and said it was possible the manipulation of the gold market could be worse than LIBOR (global base interest rate scandal).  The FDIC is suing those banks for manipulation of interest rates.  See:

As you can see, lawlessness is abounding around the globe.  Soon, a standard of Truth and righteousness will be raised by which all of this lawlessness will be judged.

Song of Solomon 2:4 

The Shulamite to the Daughters of Jerusalem
He brought me to the banqueting house,
And his banner over me was love.

A banner is a “standard”.  In the end, a Standard of Love will judge all of mankind.  Is there any other solution to pursue?  Everything else has been tried… and failed.  When men finally come to the end of “self”, they will turn to Our Heavenly Father.

Exodus 17:15  And Moses built an altar and called its name, The-LORD-Is-My-Banner (Jehovah Nissi)

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