The Plotting Continues

These are the days of volatility and one never knows from week to week what will happen in the markets.  The economic statistics being generated are no longer reflecting truth but instead are projecting the illusion the central planners want us all to buy into.  True unemployment is at 23%.  Gee, I made $5 on my saving account last year.  Inflation reduced the purchasing power of that account by $500.  Uggh!

I was sent a link to an exhaustive report on the 9/11 tragedy.  It went into great detail of all the players that conspired to cause the event and the nefarious motives of men to cover up their covert operations against Russia.  I felt it necessary to get through the report only to find that in the end, Love is the only answer to solve the perpetual problem of evil in this world.  The lawlessness continues as the saints are being matured.  It will continue until the harvest is ripe.  Only then will the tares be bundled up and burned in the fiery Law.

The talking heads on TV are beating the war drums.  The hypocrites are telling us what we ought to do to other hypocrites.  Who are we to believe?  Only Our Heavenly Father knows the hearts of men and HE will reveal them once the Remnant is prepared to shine the light on the lawlessness that plagues the earth.  The Truth will be as a pillar of fire to those who try to hide from its light.  It will consume their devious intent and illusions.

What can you and I do as the heathen rage?  Proceed on the path of maturity of walking in Love.  Walk in the two commandments that Jesus told us that would fulfill the Law.  Love conquers all and in the end, it will prevail.

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