On Friday, April 18th at Noon, through Sunday morning until 11:30 AM, April 20th, we will host an internet-based Live Passover Conference.
Planned speakers include:
Stephen Jones
Dianne Padilla
Ken Reilly
Viola Jones
Thom Mills
Harmon Taylor
Abby Mason
Bob Henley
Others may be included…
We will be broadcasting from several locations. Each speaker will broadcast from their own locale… Ah, the wonders of the Internet! Some speakers may broadcast from a host site, as we will from Bethany.
We encourage regional gatherings of Believers to watch this live event together with fellowship afterwards. In order to assist and connecting those who wish to host a gathering with those who want to travel locally to a hosting site, I have included instructions in a short recorded video.
Details of the Passover Conference and instructions for signing up to host or attend, are included at the following site: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/44586529
We will be providing additional details at this site prior to the conference.