Manipulating the Markets

The emerging markets are being rattled by central planners in order to push the money back to the U.S. markets.  How?  When you manipulate currencies in emerging markets, the relative value of their investments will show loses and weakness.  In response, the big money begins to liquidate their positions from the emerging markets and look to a safer haven.  The U.S. stock and bond markets appear to be the best looking house in a bad neighborhood.  With the global financial connectivity, money flows quickly around the world.  Their goal is to keep the party going!

A “Pan-global cataclysm” is the term coined in a recent interview.  When?  Only Our Heavenly Father knows.  Some predict this year, others mention next year, yet a few place an outside chance for 2016.  At any rate, each of us should place our priorities in getting our house in order.  First, spiritually.  Second, relationships.  Let there be no unforgiveness found among you and your loved ones, neighbors, or acquaintances.  Thirdly,  simplify your finances, expenses, and belongings.

There are plenty of “official” signs as laws are being passed to increase control of the masses.  They see a major negative event on the horizon.  They do not know what else to do in order to protect their path of death and destruction.  Instead, they should be promoting righteousness and Love.  Those are the solutions to life more abundantly.  How many times will you read these warnings?  Until the event has happened or Our Heavenly Father has removed the imminent risk of the event.  The Scripture supports a major cleansing when there is such lawlessness and wickedness throughout the globe.  This is why I am preparing for a major cleansing.

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